Have you seen this man?

interpol-scrambled.jpg interpol-unscrambled.jpg

The picture on the left is cropped from an image of a man sexually abusing children in Vietnam and Cambodia in 2002 or 2003. The face was digitally scrambled, and the image posted to the Net along with about 200 others. The picture on the right is the same picture, digitally unscrambled by Germany’s federal police. Interpol has posted four unscrambled images of the man’s face on their website, and have asked the public at large for help in identifying him. They’ve already reportedly received hundreds of tips.

That part’s pretty cool, and I hope they catch the guy, but I have some trepidation at the idea of casting such a wide net using just a few photographs. Say you know somebody who looks remarkably like this guy — maybe that creepy guy you see on the subway every morning. How likely is it that he really is they guy they’re looking for?

If you were looking for a local criminal, say someone who robbed the neighborhood 7-11, it would probably be pretty likely you’d found the right guy. After all, it’s pretty darned rare for two unrelated people to look so similar that even after close inspection you mistake one for another. The trouble is, even a very rare event becomes extremely likely when you’re sampling the entire world: if there’s only a one-in-a-hundred-million chance that two randomly-chosen people look really similar, then every person on the planet has approximately 67 doppelgangers running around. It’s not that we can’t distinguish between those one-in-a-hundred-million pairs, it’s just that our brains only specialize our ability to recognize things as far as necessary. That’s why people from another part of the world “all look alike” until you actually start to live with them, and why it becomes trivial to distinguish between ‘identical’ twins once you’ve known them for a couple months. But nobody’s brain is specialized enough to distinguish between one-in-a-hundred-million chance similarity, because it never comes up in our lives.

Interpol seems to recognize they’re taking a risk in publishing these photos, and they caution that law enforcement would have to positively identify any suspects (with additional photos and corroborating data at their disposal). Still, I see two risks where innocent look-alikes could get caught up in this. The first is that, regardless of the advice to wait for positive ID, people are naturally going to be suspicious of any look-alike, and may take action. Though fear of terrorism now tops the list, fear of child molesters in our midst will always be right up there in terms of emotion-stirring boogiemen. The second, even more dangerous risk, is that Interpol itself will try to apply their usual “one-in-a-million” criteria for reasonable doubt to a one-in-a-hundred-million situation. That, I’d argue, would repeat the fiasco the FBI created when they arrested a Portland lawyer for the Madrid bombing, based on a close partial-fingerprint match and (presumably) the fact that he was Muslim.

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Squid Labs founder Saul Griffith Gets Genius Award!

A big congratulations to Squid Labs co-founder Saul Griffith for being awarded one of this year’s MacArthur Fellowship, aka “Genius” grant!

(Now that’s two Genius Grant winners I know personally — I need to get me some dumber friends or I’m gonna start feeling like I’m not doing enough cool stuff… 😉

(Thanks to Fairyshaman for the link!)

Squid Labs founder Saul Griffith Gets Genius Award! Read More »

Persistence of Persistence of Vision


You know why movies seem to be continuous motion even though they’re really just static images being shown at 48 frames per second — persistence of vision, right? Well, there’s a great article on the Grand Illusions site about how that explanation is ‘simple to understand’, ‘elegant’, even ‘poetic’… and also fundamentally incorrect.

Apparently psychologists have known for almost as long as film has been around that the explanation was bunk, but somehow film historians find it too compelling an explanation to give it up. Somehow, the image that images persist… persists.

Persistence of Persistence of Vision Read More »

Tips on buying a diamond


A diamond broker I talked to recently mentioned an interesting heuristic: he never buys diamonds that are exactly 1 carat, because he figures the person cutting the diamond almost certainly sacrificed some quality in order to bring it up to that magic number. and he never guys diamonds that are .98 or .99 carats either, because he figures the cutter was trying to sacrifice quality for the magic number, and then screwed up besides.

Tips on buying a diamond Read More »

Offline Wikipedia Reader

I used to love my locally-cached copy of Wikipedia on my Treo 650 (after two years, a new update of the TomeRaider version was created back in February), but now that I’ve turned in my Treo for an iPhone I’m looking for a replacement reader. I’m not there yet, but this desktop-based offline Wikipedia reader is a good start to the project. As the author puts it:

Isn’t the world of Open Source amazing? I was able to build this in two days, most of which were spent searching for the appropriate tools. Simply unbelievable… toying around with these tools and writing less than 200 lines of code, and… presto!

More on my efforts to get a locally-cached copy of Wikipedia readable from my iPhone (perhaps with the iPhone book-reader app that was recently hacked together) once it comes back from repairs…

(Thanks to Fairyshaman for the link!)

Offline Wikipedia Reader Read More »

Bingo Shooting Device 100 years old

A Bingo Shooting Device going off

A lot of the traps my friend Jay and I design use little mousetrap-like devices that go bang when opened, usually sold under names like “exploding toilet seats,” or as the main mechanism in exploding pens. It consists of a hinge that is closed over a spring-loaded hammer. When the hinge is allowed to open, the hammer is released and strikes a percussion cap, causing a loud bang. Not too long ago I discovered the history of this wonderful invention, which was originally called the Bingo Shooting Device and was invented exactly 100 years ago this year.

The inventor of the device was one Sam S. Adams, who in 1907 was trying to follow up on his previous year’s successful invention of sneezing powder (a coal-tar product sold under the name “Cachoo”). Copy-cats were underselling his sneezing powder, and so he moved on with the Bingo Shooting Device, and installed the device in decks of cards, cigar boxes and “books with saucy titles” (to quote a 1941 article about Adams’ success).

Adams went on to invent some of the best-known gags of the last century, including the Snake Jam Jar (a jam-jar in which a spring-loaded snake jumps out), Racket Wireless Message (an envelope that rattles when opened, now sold as “Rattlesnake Eggs”), the Dribble Glass, a telescope that gives the user a black eye, soap that stains your hands, and of course the world-famous Joy Buzzer — basically every well-known joke but the Whoopie Cushion. His company, now called S.S. Adams Company, still exists and sells novelty items to this day.

Bingo Shooting Device 100 years old Read More »