Name | Reason |
Gypsy | My username when I was at Google. This was the name of my wearable computer back when I was in grad school, and since my first job at Google was working on Glass I took it as my user name. |
Doc Rhodes | My high-school friends always had crime family nicknames after getting arrested for fireworks, but I was with my girlfriend that night. Finally about a year after I got my PhD a couple of us were pulled over for driving with Krispy Kreme donuts in the car, so I got a crime name. I'm so proud. |
Purple Borg | I used to be one of the MIT Media Lab Cyborgs. If we had been Power Rangers, I would've been "Purple Borg." |
BJ | I wanted a new nickname when I hit grad school. My friends weren't very creative, so they went with my initials. Never really stuck. I guess I should've taken my brother's suggestion and gone with "Flash." |
Finagler | As in "one who finagles." I picked it as my username after two years of suffering as "" |
'Bug | Short for Ladybug. |
Ladybug | I was something of a flirt back in my undergraduate days. Upon joining my fraternity, they dubbed me this because I bugged the ladies. |
Bradley James C.F. Rhodes | You don't want to know. |
That Hobbit | Hairy toes. This one goes back to high school days. |
Stale Mate | I used to be a member of the Atlanta Hash House Harriers and Harriettes (a drinking group with a running problem). They named me this 'cause I was on the high-school chess team. |
Well, there's always my Erdös number (5), traced as follows:
Erdös (0) → Rudin (1) → Roscoe (2) → Rosenfeld (3) → Pentland (4) → Rhodes (5)
I don't have a Bacon number, unless you count TV appearances (which I gather is cheating). If you count TV then I have a Bacon number of 3, and thus a Bacon+Erdös number of 8: