Context note: This article appeared on pages 1849 through 1915, and the appendicies on pages 1916 through 1934. Page numbers will be added as HTML anchors at a later date.
Finally, Reader Advisory: Due to the nature of the studied material, Minors and Those Who Are Going To Be Easily Offended are hereby warned of strong language and sexual content. Leave now if dealing with such things is going to be a problem for you.
Last updated 7/11/95 12:01am
In addition, the market for computer pornography is evolving rapidly. A decade ago, few people had access to the technology necessary to store, transmit, or receive pornographic images on computers. During the past few years, however, pornographers have begun to utilize computer networks and the unprecedented distribution channels they offer to penetrate markets throughout the world where public access to pornography has been historically restricted, including China, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Turkey.[3]
Computer pornographers are also moving from a market saturation policy to a market segmentation, or even individualized, marketing phase. Until
now, most have saturated customers with tens of thousands of images, reasoning that their customers would inevitably find material that they liked.
However, few customers have the patience or technical resources to perform the extensive database analysis necessary to quickly download only the images
they prefer. Pornographers now have sufficient information to dramatically shrink the size of their portfolios, while at the same time increasing their
subscriber revenues. A few have already begun to do so.
It is clear that pornography is being vigorously marketed in increasingly sophisticated ways and has now found a receptive audience in a wide
variety of computer environments. According to industry experts,[4] and the pornographers
themselves,[5] there are at least five factors, in addition to an increased focus on paraphilic content, which account
for this recent explosion of pornography via computer networks. First, consumers enjoy considerable privacy on computer networks and can easily avoid the
potential embarrassment of walking into an "adult" store to acquire pornography. Second, consumers have the ability to download only those images that
they find most sexually arousing. Previously, a consumer had to purchase an entire magazine or video in order to gain access to a few desired depictions.
Third, easy, discrete storage of pornographic images on a computer enables consumers to conceal them from family members, friends, and
associates.[6] Fourth, the prevalence and fear of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases has helped pornographers
to successfully market "modem sex" and autoeroticism as "safe" and viable alternatives to the dangers of "real" sex. Finally, new and highly advanced
computer technologies are quickly being absorbed into the mainstream, permitting an ever-expanding audience to gain access to digitized pornography
available on the "Information Superhighway."[7]
B. Scope of Current Study and Article[8]
The research team at Carnegie Mellon University has undertaken the first systematic study of pornography on the Information Superhighway. Computer
networks and technology enable researchers, for the first time, to acquire vast amounts of information about the distribution and consumption of
pornography on a scale hundreds of times larger than previously established methods.
Each "adult" computer bulletin board system (BBS) can be analyzed
according to region, age, size, number of calls, and number of subscribers. Because BBS pornographers rely primarily upon written descriptions to market
their images, researchers can develop computer programs that classify these descriptions according to category (e.g., oral, anal, vaginal, sadomasochism).
The descriptions may be sorted by frequency of downloads (consumer demand), image file size, and the date on which each image was first posted onto the
bulletin boards. More usefully, the data can be easily reanalyzed under many different sets of definitions and assumptions.[9]
This multidimensional method of characterizing digital pornography enables researchers to provide new and unbiased information to those involved in the
heated public policy debate over pornography.
For the Carnegie Mellon study, the research team downloaded all available pornographic images from five popular Usenet boards over a four month period.
In addition, the team obtained descriptive listings from sixty-eight commercial "adult" BBS containing 450,620 pornographic images, animations, and text
files that had been downloaded by consumers 6.4 million times;[10] six "adult" BBS with approximately 75,000 files for
which only partial download information was available; and another twenty-seven "adult" BBS containing 391,790 files for which no consumer download
information was available. Thus, a total of 917,410 descriptive listings were analyzed for content by the research team. Finally, approximately 10,000
actual images were randomly downloaded or obtained via adult BBS, the Usenet, or CD-ROM. These images were used to verify the accuracy of the written
descriptions provided in the listings.
The research team's content survey of the images and descriptions for which all, only partial, or no download information was available suggests no
substantive differences between the datasets. Accordingly, this article focuses on the 450,620 files for which complete download information was
available. Of these, animations, text files, and images which were either ambiguously described or not described at all, were excluded. A total of
292,114 image descriptions remained and are discussed here. At least 36% of the images studied were identified as having been distributed by two or more
"adult" BBS. These "duplicates"[11] enable researchers to compare how identical imagery is consumed on commercial BBS in
different regions of the country.
With respect to users, the Carnegie Mellon research team was able to identify consumers of pedophilic and paraphilic pornography via computer in more than 2000 cities in all fifty states in the United States, most Canadian provinces, and forty countries, provinces, and territories around the world.
Part II of this article addresses three issues concerning pornography on the Usenet: (1) the percentage of all images available on the Usenet that are
pornographic; (2) the popularity of pornographic boards in comparison to non-pornographic boards, at both a university studied and worldwide; and (3) the
origins of pornographic imagery on the Usenet.
Part III, an analysis of commercial "adult" BBS, comprises the major portion of this article. It examines: (1) the availability and demand for hard-core, soft-core, paraphilic, pedophilic, and hebephilic imagery; (2) the concentration of market leaders; (3) market forces common to all "adult" BBS; (4) "adult" BBS demographics; and (5) the image portfolio and marketing strategies of the Amateur Action BBS as a case study.
Two important aspects of reliability and validity are carefully considered. First, how well do the written descriptions of the pornographic images correspond to the study's classifications? Second, how well do the written descriptions marketed by the pornographers correspond to the actual images? The linguistic parsing software developed at Carnegie Mellon University was found to offer a highly reliable estimate of the proportion of different types of pornographic images available on commercial "adult" BBS. Moreover, upon performing extensive validity testing, a panel of judges found a high correspondence between the pornographers" marketing descriptions and the activities depicted in the actual images.
Part IV presents a more informal discussion of the data including: the relationship between images and the words that describe them; the wide circulation of paraphilic imagery; the importance of descriptive lists; the sophistication of modern pornographers; privacy concerns; and a brief comparison between the Marquis de Sade and the market leader of computer pornography.
All BBS data was collected in May and June, 1994, unless otherwise noted. This article begins to address, but by no means exhausts, the breadth and depth
of the data collected during the research.
C. Comparison to Other Studies
Two perspectives help inform this study of pornography: that of the pornographer and that of the consumer. This study explores pornography from the
perspective of the pornographer by performing a content analysis of the written descriptions provided by the
pornographers.[12] It explores pornography from the perspective of the consumer by examining consumer download habits
for various classifications of images.
Numerous behavioral studies, conducted in field and laboratory settings, have previously attempted to determine various effects of pornography on its
consumers.[13] However, the literature has largely neglected the study of actual consumption because little reliable data
has been available. The accuracy of all prior studies has depended upon the honesty of replies people give when surveyed about their sexual tastes. In
contrast, this study focuses entirely upon what people actually consume, not what they say they consume; it thus provides a more accurate measure of
actual consumption.[14] This methodology is particularly important when analyzing such taboo imagery as incest,
bestiality, coprophilia, urophilia, and torture.
The Carnegie Mellon study is also illuminating because its sample size is several orders of magnitude larger than previously published studies of either
pornographic content or consumption.[15] Because the data is in many respects exhaustive, statistical techniques and
assumptions that are commonly invoked to impute general consumer behavior are not necessary for this dataset. Thus, the research team considers the
inferences drawn highly robust.>
The study results suggest a tremendous rift between the sexual activities in which Americans claim to engage, as reported most recently by the study
Sex in America,[16] and the sexually explicit activities presented in images that many Americans
D. Implications of Study
The Carnegie Mellon research team has compiled a very large dataset, with implications across a wide range of disciplines, including business,
telecommunications policy, psychology, sociology, and law. The study's implications are most appropriately divided into two categories: those that relate
specifically to pornography and those that are generic to computer networks.
1. Implications of Study Related to Pornography
The study's findings may have serious implications for legal theory and public policy related to pornography. Among the ultimate findings of this study
are that digitized pornographic images are widely circulated in all areas of the country and that, due to market forces, digitized pornographic images
treat themes such as bestiality and pedophilia, which are not otherwise widely available. Neither statutory nor constitutional law has yet fully
advanced to address pornography and obscenity issues in the context of electronic transmission, although legislators are increasingly focusing on this
issue.[18] The most complex legal questions concern child pornography, limiting access to minors, and obscenity standards.
Each is briefly outlined here:
Child Pornography:[19] On a practical level, the ease of copying and disseminating digitized child pornography presents unique law enforcement challenges because the seizure and eventual destruction of computerized child pornography may no longer appreciably reduce the amount of child pornographic imagery existing in the pedophile underground. Moreover, current bans on child pornography are justified in part as necessary to protect the actual child depicted in the photographs or videos. If technology advances, as it surely will, to allow the creation of pornographic images that do not depict actual children, this justification for prohibiting the dissemination of these images may no longer be compelling.[20]
Limiting Access by Minors: The widespread availability of pornography on computer networks may have a profound effect on those who wish to
utilize the emerging National Information Infrastructure for non-pornographic purposes. For instance, primary and secondary schools are increasingly
connecting their students to broader national and international computer networks, where pornography permeates the digital landscape. Given the current
structure of the Internet, which often permits multiple routes around a blockade, there appears to be no simple practical solution to limiting access
by minors to computer pornography.[21] Accordingly, policymakers, as well as parents and educators, may have to
reconcile the unprecedented educational and cultural benefits offered by computer networks with their concerns about children's access to pornography.
Obscenity Standards: One of the most intriguing implications for criminal law is whether the computer transmission of obscene material is sufficiently similar to the transmission of obscenity through the mails or common carriers to apply the traditional analytical regimen to digitized pornography. In Cyberspace, this issue extends beyond the borders of the United States: the research team was able to identify consumers of paraphilic and pedophilic computer pornography from countries as diverse as China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, South Africa, Chile, Malaysia, Hungary, Trinidad and Tobago, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Nigeria, and Japan. While the results discussed here may to some extent dispel the notion that hard-core pornography is consumed primarily in Western nations, the results also raise significant questions as to whether obscenity standards can be implemented on an international scale.
In the final analysis, if the application of digital imaging technology to pornography has any recurring theme, it is that traditional constitutional and
law enforcement assumptions and conclusions must adapt to a new technology.
2. Other Implications
In addition to the study of pornography distribution, consumption, and regulation, this study has ramifications for other fields of research and
regulation. In a world in which people and institutions are increasingly connected by computer, and vast amounts of personal information are exchanged
via computer daily, broad privacy issues are implicated. Moreover, as companies establish World Wide Web sites and offer goods and services online,
they are beginning to realize that the misuse of the information they maintain about each consumer "can have a major strategic impact on a company,
damaging its reputation and limiting the amount of trust it can foster in relationships with customers, employees, channel members, and
In addition, portions of the methodology utilized by the Carnegie Mellon study may also be applied to the study of products other than pornography that
are marketed and distributed by computer. One could also use computer networks to study other activities sometimes considered threats to society, such as
how to make a bomb or how to break into a "secure" computer system. Other issues, such as encryption technology, content flags, and authentication
procedures, are discussed in this article.
E. Research Interests of the Carnegie Mellon Team
More than two dozen faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students at Carnegie Mellon University contributed in some manner to this
study.[23] After a year of exploring the Internet, Usenet, World Wide Web, and computer Bulletin Board Systems (BBS),
the research team discovered that one of the largest (if not the largest) recreational applications of users of computer networks was the distribution
and consumption of sexually explicit imagery.
The research team was attracted to the current dataset for its unprecedented capacity to provide
objective information about a subject which has rarely been treated objectively.
An unusual amount of data was freely available from commercial "adult" BBS, primarily as a consequence of the evolution of the online industry. Large
commercial BBS such as America Online, CompuServe, and Prodigy do not carry hard-core pornographic imagery, either for legal or policy reasons. As a
consequence, several thousand comparatively small "adult" BBS have sprung up across the country. For many entrepreneurs willing to risk violating
local and federal obscenity statutes, these "adult" BBS have proven quite lucrative. In many instances, the research team was able to persuade the
owners of these BBS to provide information about subscriber consumption habits.
The principal investigator, an electrical engineer with a background in broadband communications, began with an interest in digital image manipulation
and the transmission of multimedia applications over computer networks in real-time. Other interests include examining how computer networks
challenge researchers to develop new methodologies to monitor consumption habits, marketing techniques, and reliability and validity methods for the
analysis of vast quantities of data. Indeed, in the coming decade, the modeling of consumer behavior on computer networks will likely prove fertile
ground for market researchers, as businesses begin to reap the enormous potential of advertising and distributing goods and services
An analysis of pornography in cyberspace provides a fascinating case study of many of the computer network-related legal and technological issues
confronting businesses and policymakers today.
Usenet is a collection of over 14,000 newsgroups that are created and maintained by users at sites throughout the United States and the world. In many
message systems, including those at Carnegie Mellon, Usenet newsgroups appear as bulletin boards (bboards) under the node "netnews." Usenet is also a
protocol (method) for exchanging articles identified as belonging to one or more newsgroups. Usenet articles are transmitted both over the Internet and
over the public phone system. Thus, Usenet and Internet overlap, but neither are proper subsets of each other. There are, however, many mail gateways
to Usenet. These allow people to read and post articles to Usenet newsgroups even if they only have an e-mail account, and no direct Usenet access. Usenet
is also a complicated cooperative system that allows for management at various levels.
Of particular interest to this study is the manner in which sites can exchange information. Each major site both receives and provides "feeds" to other
sites. The actual newsgroups in either an incoming or outgoing feed are subject to administration. For example, home sites connected via dial-up
connections may only receive ten or so newsgroups. In addition, some newsgroups are geographically based. Because some sites are primarily major feed
sites, the presence of a certain newsgroup on a site has no relation to whether or not anyone at that site actually reads that newsgroup.
Another interesting and important facet of Usenet is the administration of the various hierarchies. A hierarchy is determined by the leading portion
of the newsgroup name. For instance, sci.* denotes the science hierarchy. A more pertinent example for the study's purposes is alt.*,
or the "alternative" hierarchy. Most of the sexually explicit images on the Usenet are located in the alt.* hierarchy. All hierarchies, except
the alt.* hierarchy, have a quasi-formal procedure for creating a new newsgroup. The alt.* hierarchy, by design, is less formal,
and anyone, in essence, can create a newsgroup at any time. How widely a newsgroup is distributed or read is another matter entirely (e.g., it is not
uncommon to see new newsgroups with the name alt.rosanne.flame.flame "created"). It is therefore extremely difficult to obtain informative
numbers when analyzing the number or percentage of groups or traffic, except at a particular site.
Bulletin board systems differ from the Usenet in a number of ways. First, unlike the Usenet's diffuse configuration of newsgroups, BBS usually operate
from a central locus. More centralized control of BBS files permits BBS operators to charge for their services, and this opportunity for profit has
motivated a number of pornographers to operate "adult" BBS. This is another important contrast between the Usenet and BBS: while access to files on the
Usenet is often free (particularly for academic users), a user must subscribe to a BBS in order to gain access to its files.
The reader should note that most of the commercial "adult" BBS discussed in this article did not offer their subscribers access to the Internet or
Usenet at the time data was collected. However, in the past year, many BBS have begun to offer such access as part of their service, and some BBS can
now also be accessed through the Internet via telnet. The leading "adult" BBS have recently formed a "BBS Direct" Network, which enables users from
anywhere in the United States to pay only $30 per month for unlimited access to their BBS, pornographic image files, and the
Encoding/decoding programs can take an image file in GIF or JPEG format and convert it into files of ASCII characters. Once the file has been
converted, each part can be posted as though it were a text message on a Usenet newsgroup for free access by other users around the world. Anyone with
the decoding program can copy the messages from the board onto their computer and feed them to the decoding program. The text is converted back to a
GIF or JPEG file and can again be viewed with the graphics viewer software. Images are much easier to view when obtained from private computer bulletin
board systems because they do not need to be encoded or decoded, as the viewer can view them while online or download them for a collection or later viewing.
While widespread use of the Information Superhighway by the larger consumer market is still in its infancy, tools that make connecting to, navigating,
and understanding complex international networks are developing rapidly. Many software programs which automatically cut, paste, and decode Usenet images
are now available.
There is one notable, though likely not significant, limitation to this method. Images are occasionally posted on newsgroups outside of the
alt.binaries hierarchy, such as and Those newsgroups outside of the
alt.binaries hierarchy known by the research team to contain pornography, such as the two mentioned, were included.
The research team classified images into two main categories: pornography which originated from "adult" BBS and pornography which did not. The images
were said to originate from "adult" BBS if the name, logo, and telephone number of the BBS appeared next to or within the
image.[34] Images with no BBS logo were classified in the second category. A third category was added to include
individual portraits of women (and occasionally men), with varying degrees of nudity, but no sexual contact or lascivious exhibition. By most standards
"PG" or "R" rated, this category was introduced in such a way as to enable those who do not consider such images "soft-core" pornography to exclude them
from the final calculations. This study presents the results under both sets of assumptions.
As discussed later in this article, multimedia applications that combine text, sound, and interactive graphics are currently being developed. These
applications will no doubt increase the percentage of imagery, including pornography, found on the Usenet.[36]
It is informative, but difficult, to estimate the extent to which the Internet is being used to carry pornographic images. Unfortunately, no reliable
data is available to answer this question. The Internet is a network of networks, and traffic between neighboring institutions may go over regional
networks. Moreover, much of what a user sends from his or her computer never leaves the corporate or campus network from which it originates.
At one time, the NSFNet, supported by the National Science Foundation, served as a common backbone interconnecting all regional networks. That began to
change in 1990 when the first commercial Internet backbone providers emerged, and on May 5, 1995, the NSFNet was fully decommissioned. As of the summer
of 1994, when data was initially collected for this study, available statistics indicated by proportion the traffic that utilized the NSFNet backbone.
Figure 1 makes this clear.
Figure 1 [Percentage of Internet Backbone Traffic, August, 1994.]
Within each of these categories, it is difficult to estimate the current percentage of traffic that may be pornographic.[37]
The best data concerning network pornography consumption comes from the Usenet, which itself constitutes only 11.5% of Internet traffic. Of this
11.5%, approximately 3% by message count, but 22% by byte count (e.g., 2.5% of total Internet backbone traffic), is associated with Usenet newsgroups
containing pornographic imagery.[38]
Most notably, the percentage of World Wide Web traffic passing through the Internet backbone has more than tripled, to 26.25% as of April, 1995.
Accordingly, the research team undertook an initial survey of pornography on the World Wide Web (commonly referred to as the "Web"), which is included
in Appendix C. It is essential to note that Usenet and the World Wide Web are merely different protocols.[39]
University Results. In an effort to present relatively current information, the results from August 1994 are analyzed
here.[40] In broad terms, the research indicated that pornographic newsgroups are accessed more frequently during
the school year than during summer recess. This suggests that, in comparison to teachers, faculty, and staff, a disproportionately large number of
students access Usenet pornography.
Approximately 3600 Usenet newsgroups were available to the users studied. Of these, 104, or 2.88%, were identified as pornographic. Thirteen of
the forty (32.5%) most frequently accessed newsgroups were identified as pornographic. The following is a list of the top forty newsgroups. (The
newsgroups identified as having pornographic content are in bold):[41]
Table 1 [Top Forty Usenet Newsgroups at a University Studied]
The fact that is currently more popular than has been often misinterpreted as
an indication that stories are more popular than images.
Worldwide Results. The worldwide statistics suggest that Usenet hosts appear less willing to offer their readers access to pornographic
newsgroups than other types of newsgroups. 81.2% of the sites offer access to non-pornographic newsgroups, whereas only 55.8% of the sites offered
their readers access to the pornographic newsgroups.
Table 2 [Top Forty Newsgroups in Order of Popularity, Worldwide]
The newsgroups are ranked in Table 2 by the estimated total number of readers worldwide.
Comparisons: University and Worldwide Results. Six of the top forty newsgroups at the University are composed of encoded graphical images,
all of which are pornographic. This is true for only one of the top forty Usenet groups worldwide. None of the top forty newsgroups at the University
were geared toward new users, whereas three of the top ten Usenet newsgroups worldwide are designed to assist new users or answer general technical
questions about the Usenet.
Policymakers might be equally interested in comparing the cost of pornographic and non-pornographic newsgroups. The primary cost factor in maintaining
a newsgroup is the amount of storage space required. Image files require considerably more storage space per image posting than a text story or
comment. The following chart lists the top forty Usenet newsgroups by volume:
Table 3 [Top Forty Newsgroups in Order of Traffic Volume, Worldwide]
In the top forty newsgroups, the percentage of total cost used for pornographic newsgroups is 34.2%. Of total space taken for image newsgroups, 76% of
the space is used for pornographic images. Of total space taken for text newsgroups, 9.8% are pornographic.
Many of the ninety-two "adult" BBS identified on the Usenet were unabashedly advertising their products, posting "teaser" images on the Usenet as an
essential part of their marketing strategy. However, the precise number could not be determined, because the research team could not distinguish
between the posting of an image (or enthusiastic comments) from a subscriber and a posting by a BBS sysop.
Figure 2 [Relationship Between Pornography on the Usenet and Commercial BBS.]
Figure 2 illustrates the various paths of pornographic images along the Information Superhighway: The diagram can be elucidated in the following manner.
An "adult" BBS sysop commissions photographers for original images; finds the images in magazines; purchases "adult" CD-ROMs; or pirates the images from
other BBS. Where necessary, the sysop uses a color scanner to convert them to digital form, and adds his logo and telephone number using a software
image manipulation package. After posting the images on his BBS, he writes a brief description of each image, which is included in his complete list
of files. He may also upload them onto the Usenet or his customers may upload them onto the Usenet, with or without his knowledge and consent. The
Usenet subscribers then download these images from the newsgroups indicated earlier and may then decide to call the BBS if they find the images
appealing. When these new subscribers first log on, the menu asks where they heard of the BBS. This enables BBS to determine the extent to which the
Usenet serves as an effective advertising outlet.
While such data was not available for this study, most BBS sysops with whom members of the research team "chatted" indicated no objection to their
customers posting their images on the Usenet.[44] A BBS with an image portfolio of 10,000 can easily afford to give
away a few of its images at no cost. Indeed, the Amateur Action BBS imprints "DISTRIBUTE FREELY!!" on many of its images and even encourages its
subscribers to upload them onto other newsgroups.
The results from Part II demonstrate that pornography is widely accessed on the Usenet, and that commercial "adult" BBS are the Usenet's primary
source of pornography. These commercial "adult" BBS, which comprise the major portion of the Carnegie Mellon study, will now be discussed.
In order to locate the commercial "adult" boards, the research team obtained listings of more than 5000 computer bulletin board services from
Boardwatch magazine, BBS Monthly, the Usenet, and the bulletin boards themselves. The team eliminated all boards that did not
advertise an "adult" selection. This narrowed the list to about 500 boards that focused primarily on marketing "adult" pornographic images, or
general boards with large "adult" sections in addition to other general interest material. Two recently published texts identified another 500
"adult" BBS.45 The research team did not discover any other authoritative list of active "adult" BBS in the United States.
The research team contacted each of these approximately 1000 boards by modem or voice telephone. About half had gone out of business, leaving roughly
500 active boards for further study. Many of these were primarily "chat" boards, which customers use to communicate live with other customers. Still
others had only one or two telephone lines and transmitted at 1200 or 2400 baud, suggesting they were smaller, more transient
Consequently, the research team decided that a BBS had to meet the following criteria to be included in this research project: (1) have been
in business at least twenty-four months; (2) have at least four telephone lines for use by customers; (3) transmit at 14,400 baud or better; and
(4) have at least 1000 "adult" images available for downloading. Because of the expenses involved in operating this type of large BBS, these
criteria greatly decreased the likelihood that any BBS examined would have been a transient operation.[47] Exceptions
were made in the following two cases: (1) if the BBS was located in a remote region of the United States where it was difficult to find another local
source of computer pornography; and (2) if the BBS, based upon its new user menu, appeared to be aggressively expanding its customer
base.[48] To the best of the research team's knowledge, the BBS included in this study comprise most of the medium-
and large-sized "adult" BBS in the country that existed at the time of the research.
In order to collect descriptive lists of the pornographic images available on each BBS, as well as a representative sampling of the images themselves,
the research team placed more than 300 hours in long distance telephone calls to the "adult" BBS selected by the team. Every BBS asked the members
of the research team to provide a real name, address, business and home phone numbers, date of birth, password, and type of computer and modem.
Most asked where the members of the research team had heard about their BBS, and approximately half of them required photocopies of a driver's
license with proof of age before granting further access to their systems.[49] Still others asked for the user's
mother's maiden name (purportedly in case the password was forgotten) and required users to read legal disclaimers related to pornographic
files.[50] Members of the research team did not, as a rule, identify themselves as researchers.
Figure 3. Structure of a Typical BBS Record Listing.
This listing structure provides considerable information about pornography consumption patterns. First, based on the number of downloads (5), it
can be determined which images were the most popular. Second, the linguistic description, identified by numbers (4) and (7), permits the images
to be classified into categories of certain sexual behaviors. In the above example, the linguistic description denotes fellatio. Third, based on
the original posting date (3), researchers can trace over time the manner in which the BBS sysops increased or decreased their offerings of
various categories of images, presumably in response to consumer demand. Fourth, while the name of the record (1) usually gave no indication of the
content, it often did give an indication of the original source of the image. For instance, an image from the Amateur Action BBS always began
with "AA-," followed by a number. An image from the now defunct Windy City Freedom Fortress BBS[52] always began with
"WC," followed by a number. This was particularly helpful in determining how many of the images from larger BBS were
"pirated"[53] and redistributed by smaller BBS in different regions of the country. Fifth, the date of the last
download (6) indicates whether the older images are downloaded as frequently as the newer ones. And finally, the size of the file (2) made it possible
to determine the maximum number of images a customer could download over time.[54]
It should be noted that the manner in which the record is presented to the customer often differs from the above sample record, which is
presented in "double line" format. Many BBS either hide this information from their customers or do not provide it because of space or software
Classification Scheme. The initial image description classification scheme was adopted from the Dietz-Sears
study.[56] However, the Dietz-Sears categories were often found to be either too general or too specific for the
current study. For instance, Dietz-Sears divides "B&D/S&M" images into twenty different subcategories.[57]
While this is useful in studying different types of "B&D/S&M" as an individual phenomenon, its effect is to diffuse the "B&D/S&M"
imagery within the entire pornographic landscape. The Carnegie Mellon study therefore tabulates the twenty "B&D/S&M" subcategories as one
category.[58] The criteria for adding additional categories to the Dietz-Sears model were that: (1) a particular word
in the description described a sexual act which could not be included in the previously established categories; and (2) that word was repeated
more than once in the list. The added categories include: incest, hair color, obese, pedo/hebephile,[59]
"amazing," dogstyle, swing, muscular, sixty-nine, emotions, shower, outdoor, petting, panties, and
When completed, the computer "dictionary" included 3823 words spanning sixty-three basic categories. It is significant to note that pornographers
rely not only on activities in identifying an image, but also on attributes (for example, hair color, muscularity) and emotions (for example,
pleasure and pain) to market their images. For instance, in the following description, the pornographer intersects the sexual activity with the
subject's hair color and body structure to market the image: "Brunette coed has tiny boobs! 3 inch wide cock in her ass." Similarly, pornographers
use the intersection of certain sexual activities with sensations of pleasure or pain. "She swallows his whole cock! She is choking!" and "Cody is
having an ORGASM! Fingers hole!" are two examples of this technique. Figure 4 makes this clear.
Figure 4. [Description Strategies Utilized to Market Pornography.]
Prioritization Scheme. Because pornographers described images with multiple words, prioritization schemes became necessary to avoid false
categorizations. For instance, if the word "fucks" was assumed to imply the vaginal category, the computer dictionary would have classified such
descriptions as "he fucks her ass" or "he fucks her mouth" or "she fucks herself with a dildo" as vaginal, when clearly they were not. The research
team therefore established a priority scheme that checked for the word "fucks" appearing with the words "ass" or "face" or "dildo;" otherwise the
image was classified as "vaginal." Without such a prioritization scheme, the word "fucks" would need to be excluded from the dictionary as too
ambiguous. Under such exclusion, the percentage of vaginal sex images recorded would have been greatly and unrealistically diminished because
there were relatively few other words describing vaginal sex. The only alternative would have been to require a human judge to review each description
that contained the word "fucks" and classify it, which would have been inefficient given the large number of records to be examined. Problems that
arose with other words and categories were handled in a similar manner.
Overlap. Overlap was permitted among categories that had the same precedence level. For instance, the following categories were identified
in the same precedence level: orgy, asian, fisting, lesbian. A description such as "She fists her girlfriend's pussy," was thus classified
as both a lesbian and a fisting image, while "Three Asians going at it in bed," was classified as both an asian and an
orgy image. Without some overlap, the classification scheme would have proven less insightful.[61] However,
the Dietz-Sears model permitted overlap in all cases, which could be misleading.[62] "She gets fucked by a horse"
was classified by this study under bestiality, not vaginal intercourse, while "He sucks his boyfriend's dick" depicts homosexual
activity, and was not classified by this study as a fellatio image.[63] A more difficult description to
categorize is, "She licks her girlfriend's asshole." The image could be classified as oral, anal, or lesbian, but the computer
classified it as lesbian, because lesbian is a more general term which may describe a variety of sexual acts, including oral, vaginal,
and anal acts. Thus, general terms were given precedence over particular terms.
Uncategorized Images. An uncategorized category was created to identify image descriptions that the dictionary could not sort
effectively. Uncategorized images accounted for the fewest number of downloads, probably because when pornographers failed to provide clear
content descriptions, they did not effectively market their images. The absence of a description or the use of ambiguous words simply does not
entice the customer to download the image. Therefore, there is no reason to believe the presence of these uncategorized images distorted this
study's results. Nevertheless, the research team tried to decrease the number of uncategorized images to as low a percentage as practicable by
repeatedly fine-tuning the dictionary and developing new categories until the number of uncategorized images fell below 16.1%, or 6.5% of images
weighted by number of downloads. There were three reasons an image remained uncategorized. First, the description portion of the record was left
blank. Blank descriptions accounted for 72% of what remained uncategorized. Second, the description contained deliberate or accidental misspellings,
such as "She socks his cock," which the computer could not identify.[64] Third, descriptions such as "Blonde getting a
cheeky dinner plate" were too ambiguous to assign.
Exceptions to Standard Methodology. Finally, an exceptions category was created to account for double meanings and idiosyncrasies
in the English language. For instance "Bo Derek walks her dog on the beach," is clearly a portrait of a movie star, not a bestiality image. A manual
operator identified exceptions among a random sampling of 40,000 descriptions, then assigned the descriptions to the proper category. The total
percentage of exceptions was 1.5%.
Reliability. The research team implemented a number of checking mechanisms in order to establish the accuracy of the classification scheme
before finalizing it. First, four members of the research team checked a random sample of 10,000 descriptions and their classification by the
computer dictionary. The researchers checked descriptions and classifications in groups of 2500 each, until the fourth group achieved what they
considered a high degree of agreement between the computer dictionary and the researchers.
Next, two judges performed formal "reliability" tests. Reliability tests measured how accurately the computer classification scheme had sorted the
linguistic image descriptions. The judges were trained in three practice runs of twenty descriptions each to clarify several points of procedure and
definitions. They were to decide separately and without discussion whether the description and its classification matched (was accurate), did not
match (was inaccurate or erroneous), or partially matched. They developed several rating rules. First, a match occurred when the major idea of the
description corresponded to the definition of the classification. Second, a partial match was scored if there was at least one element described
which was included in the definition. Sources of partial disagreement typically included descriptions such as the following: "He spreads her ass
cheeks," which may or may not match anal sex; or, "Two hot blondes kiss each other and suck cock," which may partially match lesbian,
but is also matched with orgy. Third, a non-match ocurred when the description had no correspondence to the classification definitions. For
example, "She goes down on his love snake," which does not match bestiality; or, "Lady in black gets fucked doggy style," which does not
match inter-racial.
The judges were given a stratified random list of 500 image descriptions, twenty from each of twenty-five categories. The judges strongly
confirmed the reliability of the computer classification scheme for pedo/hebephile (92.6%) and most of the paraphilia classifications
(83.6%). However, because of overlap, the reliability was not as great for classifications such as fellatio (73.8%), lesbian (78.2%),
and portraits (75%).[66] The judges had difficulty agreeing, for instance, whether an image described as "She
sucks his cock while fisting her girlfriend's pussy," was most appropriately classified as fellatio, orgy, lesbian, or fisting.
In the course of research, the team had the opportunity to discuss how pornography is marketed with many computer pornographers. The broader distinction
they draw is between the "action" clearly depicted in hard-core materials (oral, vaginal, or anal penetration) and the display of nudity without
clearly visible penetration or consummation of the sexual act in soft-core materials. Thus, the classification and prioritization scheme was
revised to group the categories into four aggregate classes. The judges were then provided with a second stratified random list of 200 image
descriptions, fifty from each of the following four classes.[67]
Figure 6. [Final Precedence Scheme Adopted for the Carnegie Mellon Study.]
The final precedence scheme reflects both consumer demand patterns and the differing legal definitions recognized for different materials. Because
statutes and the courts have regulated much pedo/hebephilic imagery[72] according to a more easily recognized
per se standard,[73] this study gives terms suggesting pedophilia and hebephilia the highest precedence in order to
more easily identify them. In addition, during its preliminary data collection, the research team was somewhat surprised by the volume and degree
of paraphilic material widely available and consumed on commercial "adult" BBS. Correspondingly, the precedence scheme identifies this material
separately from hard-core materials, allowing the research team to identify the overall relevance of paraphilic material as defined by
The distinction in the final precedence scheme between hard-core and soft-core pornography merely acknowledges a dividing line drawn by many
pornographers, statutes, and courts.[75]
Table 4 offers an example from each of the four classifications, and how the computer program classified them.
Table 4 [Precedence Scheme Example, Carnegie Mellon Parsing Software]
In addition to the four major classifications, the numbers for vaginal intercourse will be presented in this article, defined both "narrowly" and
"broadly." When defined narrowly, no overlap was permitted of vaginal intercourse with other hard-core or paraphilic categories. When defined
broadly, overlap was permitted with other hard-core and paraphilic categories, with the exception of bestiality. In both instances, vaginal
intercourse has been counted as a subset of hard-core.
Validity. In addition to assessing the reliability of the classification scheme, the research team assessed the validity of the descriptions.
This study defines validity as the extent to which the written descriptions correspond to the actual pornographic images. Reliability alone is
sufficient if we are concerned only with categorizing how images are marketed; if we wish to make statements about the images themselves using
linguistic categorization, we must also verify the validity of the descriptions. The use of verbal descriptions to classify images themselves would
be invalid if pornographers are often mistaken in their verbal descriptions, or if they deliberately exaggerate or conceal the nature of their images.
There are at least two types of validity tests that could be performed on the Carnegie Mellon dataset. The more obvious validity test would be to
have a panel of judges examine the actual images and determine the extent to which they match their classifications. However, such a test is limited
to the categorization scheme adopted. As a rule, pornographers do not force images into categories; instead, they force images into words.
Accordingly, a second validity test would be to have a panel of judges examine the actual images and determine the extent to which they match
their descriptions, independent of the adopted classification schemes. Such a validity test is generic and enables policymakers to answer a
broader question: to what extent do pornographers accurately describe their images? The research team decided to adopt the second approach; it thus
preserves the world of pornographers and consumers, and makes no attempt to establish "intrinsic" or "absolute" classifications of images
independent of the empirical data collected. However, because the validity was high
For the Usenet portion of this study, it was necessary to examine approximately 3500 actual images. For the commercial BBS portion, another 1500
actual images were examined. The research team found nearly 100% correspondence between the descriptions and the images for those images obtained
from the Usenet, but these procedures would be appropriately defined as "informal."[76] Accordingly, a panel of
three human judges invoked formal validity procedures. They were given a stratified random set of 400 images, 200 from the market leader, Amateur
Action BBS, and 200 from the other thirty-four "adult" BBS, fifty of which were described by pornographers to depict vaginal intercourse. As with the
reliability procedure, the judges were trained in three practice runs of twenty images each to clarify separately and without discussion whether the
image and the description matched, did not match, or partially matched.
Of particular importance, from a legal perspective, is whether real men and women are depicted in sexual acts with actual animals (or other acts,
which based on their descriptions, may be difficult for the reader to accept as having genuinely occurred). The judges took special care to be
precise in their judgments by viewing the images on a twenty-inch color monitor and zooming in on certain areas when necessary. However, there is
not always enough room in the description area to describe all aspects of the image; the pornographers then decide to emphasize those aspects of an
image they believe the customer will find most arousing. For instance, upon examining the image described as, "BRUNETTE IS ON HER KNEES! SEXY REDHEAD
FISTS HER ASSHOLE!" it was discovered that one woman was being fisted by another while fellating a man. In this case, the pornographer may have
understood that the primary appeal of the image was rectal fisting, and that other possible classifications, such as fellatio, were only of
secondary interest to the customer.
Accordingly, the judges developed several rating rules: First, a match occurred when each of the major ideas of the description corresponded to
what was visible on the image. Some tolerance of wording was acceptable but nothing which contradicted the description was permitted. Second, a
partial match was scored when at least one major element was described which did not appear in the image. Sources of partial disagreement
typically included descriptions such as the following: "SHE FINISHES SHITTING! SHE HAS SHIT SPECS ON HER ASSHOLE!" (although a close-up of the
rectum, one of the judges unable to perceive fecal matter); or "SHE CHOKES ON THICK DOG COCK! DOG SPERM ON HER SEXY LIPS!" (although a depiction
of a woman performing fellatio on a dog, two of the judges unable to perceive the ejaculate); or "Brunette has big boobs! She pisses on her
girlfriend's face!" (although a urophilic image, two of the judges concluded that the urine was aimed at the chest, not the face). Third, a
non-match occurred when there was more than one major element which did not appear in the image. Fourth, the pornographers used code words
which did not correspond to standard English. Accordingly, their usage pattern was accepted, because it would be known to those using the BBS.
For example, the phrase "junior teen," when invoked by the market leader, Amateur Action BBS, described pre-pubescent children, rather than
post-pubescent teenagers. Fifth, the judges also disregarded incestuous references, such as father, mother, daughter, and sister, as irrelevant
because there was no way to establish the validity of these relationships. Finally, the judges considered a description accurate if it also
contained some form of marketing braggadocio: "She is horny! Sucks thick horse cock like a vacuum cleaner!" (the judges agreeing that a woman
was depicted performing fellatio on a horse but ignored the phrase "like a vacuum cleaner").
For the imagery from all thirty-five "adult" BBS, the judges unanimously agreed with the pornographers" descriptions on 84.5% of the images. They
agreed partially with 12% of the images and disagreed unanimously with the remaining 3.5%. For the Amateur Action BBS imagery, the judges unanimously
agreed with the pornographers" descriptions on 91.5% of the images. They were in partial agreement with the remaining 8.5%, of which 60% were
unanimous and 40% suggested some disagreement among the judges. The judges suspected that two of the four hundred images examined may have been
digitally manipulated. It is significant to note that none of the judges disagreed with any of the descriptions from Amateur Action BBS.
In sum, validity was very high, suggesting that pornographers, as a rule, take special care to describe their images with the high degree of
accuracy they consider necessary to satisfy their customers.
Table 5 [Total Surveyed "Adult" BBS Files and Downloads by Classification]
Figure 7 [Total Surveyed "Adult" BBS Files and Downloads by Percentage.]
Some important observations can be drawn from the underlying data:
These five leading "adult" BBS were studied in further detail. Hard-core imagery was the most widely available, followed by soft-core, paraphilia and
pedo/hebephilia. Figure 8 makes this pattern clear.
Figure 8 [Top Five "Adult" BBS by Availability Statistics.]
The exception to this general pattern is Amateur Action BBS, which offers an unusually high proportion of paraphilic and pedophilic imagery.
However, these availability figures should be compared to actual consumer consumption statistics for the four classifications of imagery, shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9 [Top Five "Adult" BBS by Consumption Statistics.]
Hard-core is in the greatest demand by consumers among top "adult" BBS, followed by paraphilia, pedo/hebephilia, and soft-core. It is significant to
note that paraphilia, which the courts generally regulate according to community standards,[84] increased from third
to second, and that pedo/hebephilic imagery, which is per se illegal in light of New York v. Ferber,[85]
outmarketed the soft-core imagery despite (or perhaps because of) the difficulty in obtaining the former and widespread availability of the latter.
Even among the most successful "adult" BBS, a tremendous gap exists between the availability of and demand for each the four classifications of
imagery. The data suggests that computer pornographers have not yet optimized their image portfolios according to consumer demand or capitalized
on statistical techniques used by other industries to market their products.[86]
The research team then performed a statistical analysis on the data,
As noted in the introduction, the Carnegie Mellon research team was able to identify consumers of pedophilic and paraphilic pornography via
computer in more than 2000 cities in all fifty states in the United States, most Canadian provinces, and forty countries, provinces, and
territories around the world. Appendix D contains a complete list of cities and countries where these consumers were identified. The demographics should not be understood as exhaustive; they merely indicate a floor of the extent
to which pedophilic and paraphilic imagery pervades the digital landscape.
The intriguing questions the Thomas case raises are somewhat similar: can communities that desire to maintain certain standards still insulate
themselves from pornography when it is distributed via computer? Will a fundamentally different test for obscenity be established in the future,
given the significant changes in the means of pornography distribution, which is increasingly facilitated by computer
networks?[93] Lastly, what will be the impact of such a test on communities which desire a different
In addition to these questions, it is significant to note that 116 Amateur Action BBS images were recently discovered on the Usenet. Two of these
images reposted on the Usenet were among those recently found obscene by a Tennessee jury.[95]
The computer dictionary developed for this study was able to classify 99.4% of the 22,319 Amateur Action BBS images, which were downloaded 1.6
million times. The Amateur Action BBS images[96] were also analyzed according to a mean popularity index, which
indicates the average number of times each file in each category was downloaded. This index is useful in determining whether a category is in
low availability but high demand, or the reverse. The mean popularity indices show that the paraphilias were far more popular than any of the
hard-core or soft-core classifications in other words, the demand for the paraphilias exceeded the availability. Finally, the research team
developed numerous histograms to divide these categories in increments of ten percent, according to number of downloads. The histograms reveal that
most of Thomas's files were in high demand, and suggest that forcing Thomas to remove a few "objectionable" files will have no measurable effect
on his subscriber download habits or interest in his board.
Amateur Action BBS relies on three powerful marketing techniques to attract and maintain its large clientele, which ranged from 3500 to 10,700
individuals over a typical six month period. These techniques include a) portraying a "power imbalance" between the sexes, including a
disproportionate representation of women in acts which may be considered degrading; b) deceitful marketing; and c) exploitation of
children.[97] Examples of each technique are offered below.
The Power Imbalance: Fellatio-Choking. The power imbalance between the sexes is among the most debated and controversial subjects in Western
culture. Imagery which may help define the acceptable boundaries of relationships between the sexes has also been the focus of heated discussion.[98] It is beyond the scope of this article to
present an exhaustive analysis of sadomasochistic imagery discovered on computer networks. At present, Carnegie Mellon researchers are developing
more than two dozen computer dictionaries that explore sub-classifications of B&D/S&M imagery.
One of these sub-classifications, which links fellatio with B&D/S&M imagery provides a salient example of how Thomas (and pornographers in
general) may transform the same sexual act from "hard-core" pornography into "paraphilia" material, and thereby increase download
activity.[99] Thomas markets 1113 images depicting some form of fellatio. These images were downloaded 38,611 times,
for a mean popularity index of 34.7:1.[100] Clearly, fellatio is a relatively unpopular category on Thomas's board,
accounting for only 5% of all images available and 2.4% of all downloads. When Thomas describes an image as "Horny sexy blonde sucks cock! She is
rubbing her wet pussy!"[101] he generates an unusually low number of downloads.[102]
Whenever he uses the word "choke" in his fellatio descriptions, however, he doubles his downloads. The mean popularity index for fellatio-choking
imagery increases to 65:1. These results suggest at least some correlation between increased power imbalance between the sexes (man over woman)
and increased consumption. The results also remind us that our classification of images is dependent upon how pornographers market them.[103]
The Power Imbalance: Degradation-Bestiality. Degradation of women is one of the most challenging issues for a researcher to define, because
the term is emotionally and politically charged. However, the disproportion of imagery depicting women engaged in acts that would be considered
degrading in most communities can be definitively established.[104] Because it is beyond the scope of this study
to address such issues exhaustively a computer dictionary needs to be developed for each category only one instance will be examined in
detail.[105] The research team chose to examine bestiality because demand for these types of images more than
quadrupled in the six months following the obscenity convictions of Robert and Carleen Thomas.
Thomas offers 852 bestiality images, which were downloaded 122,057 times, making bestiality the second most popular image category on his BBS. The
mean popularity index for bestiality was 143.2:1, the highest of all categories. The resolution (picture clarity) of these images ranges from very
poor to exceptional, but the validity was near 100%.
Figure 10 [Amateur Action BBS Bestiality Portfolio. 852 Images, 122,057 Downloads; Chart Indicates % by Downloads.]
The pie chart in Figure 10 illustrates the variety of animals engaged in sexual acts with humans, the most popular of which was "BRUNETTE SLUT TAKES A
HUGE HORSE COCK IN HER TIGHT PUSSY!"[106] The most popular image depicting a woman and a dog was "Super slut!
Sucks dog cock and gets cum on her cute face!"[107] More importantly, 99.1% of the images depicted women
engaged in sexual acts with animals, whereas only 0.9% depicted men engaged in sexual acts with animals. Even the most popular bestiality image
involving a man had the following description: "He holds the big erect dog cock! Makes cute blonde suck it!"[108]
Bestiality images involving only men and animals had the lowest mean popularity index. Thomas apparently realized that his customers did not
want man-bestiality imagery after a series of such images that were posted in September 1993 failed to generate a significant number of
downloads.[109] Not surprisingly, the least popular bestiality image involved a man: "Horny black guy fucks a
young blonde! Big dog licks his ass!"[110] Animals other than dogs and horses depicted in sexual acts with women
include monkeys, donkeys, snakes, goats, pigs, and cows.
Bestiality is a typical, but by no means extreme, example of Thomas's shrewd implementation of this marketing technique. Although nearly one-half
of his entire portfolio depicts at least one man engaged in sexual acts with women, Thomas has not posted any man-bestiality images since
September 1993. He continued to meet the intense demand for women-bestiality images up until the time of this study.
Deceitful Marketing. Verbal descriptions enable Thomas to market his portfolio as somewhat more taboo than may be the
case.[111] Indeed, Thomas is one of the few sysops in the country to exploit fully the remarkable power of
verbal descriptions to fulfill customer fantasies. The best illustration of this technique is provided by "incest" imagery. Thomas described 1234
images as sexual or highly suggestive acts among family members. These "incest" images were downloaded 167,534 times and accounted for 10.3% of
all the downloads. The mean popularity index for "incest" images from Amateur Action BBS was 135.8:1. A second computer dictionary was developed
for incest imagery, which was found to overlap considerably with other paraphilias. For instance, the most popular mother-daughter image
involved bestiality: "She holds the dog cock! Inserts it in her daughter's ass!"[112] Thomas offers a triple-paraphilic
combination with this popular image: "Mother watches daughter fuck herself with a screwdriver!"[113] The most popular
father-daughter image was also the most popular sister-sister: "She is fisting her sister's cunt! Father fucks her
asshole!"[114] The most popular mother-son image was also among the most popular father-daughter: "She sucks her
son's cock! Father is fucking his daughter!"[115]
Because it is not clear whether the images depict sexual acts between genuine family members, Thomas services his clientele with a shrewd blend of
exaggeration and deceit. Curiously, Thomas's descriptions of other categories achieved the highest reliability rating from the panel of judges,
suggesting that his is among the most meticulously designed boards in the country.
Exploitation of Children.[116] Thomas has attempted to push the parameters and current interpretation of
child pornography law. By offering more than 5000 images featuring the exhibition of genital areas of children,[117]
being careful not to depict hard-core sex acts with pre-pubescent children, and terming many of the images "nudist" material, Thomas has attempted
to skirt the attention of law enforcement. He repeatedly used marketing language in an attempt to convince his subscribers that his material
depicting children was both sexually enticing and legal. At the same time, he boasts that his BBS is the "nastiest place on
The demand for soft-core pedophilic imagery exceeded availability by more than 25%, whereas availability exceeded demand for hard-core and most
of the paraphilias.[119] Thomas is fully aware of this imbalance as evidenced by his use of a sophisticated
third layer of category abstraction.[120] Most of the hard-core and paraphilic descriptions overlap with the
following five sub-classifications: virgin, genital exhibition, no pubic hair, no breast development, and "nudist." For the sub-classification
"genital exhibition," for instance, the computer dictionary identified 1361 lascivious descriptions of young girls which contained the following
words: spread, spreads, spreading, close-up, kinky, kinkiest, candid, poses, posing, and open-leg. The most popular of these was "TENDER BRUNETTE
HAIR! GREAT!"[122] was widely distributed on the Usenet and via so-called drop or underground ftp
sites.[123] The entire genital exhibition portfolio accounted for 216,672 downloads. For the subclassification
"virgin," 2249 image descriptions contained the following words: sweet, tender, sprouting, budding, virgin, and innocent. These images
accounted for 357,192 downloads. Thomas also relies heavily on overlapping descriptions within this third layer (e.g., no pubic hair and no
breast development, nudist and sprouting, tender and spreading, etc.). Figure 11 shows the breakdown of how Thomas markets his pedophilic
imagery to consumers.
Appendix B, which lists the most popular files for each of the Amateur Action BBS categories, indicates that of the
22,319 image descriptions analyzed, the following generated the most downloads: "Young amateur teen! No tits at all! She spreads her
pussy!"[124] An analysis of Thomas's use of five of these terms young, amateur, teen, no tits, spreads revealed
that this and similar combinations generated unusually intense download activity.
Clientele Distinctions Among Amateur Action BBS Subscribers. Thomas clearly understands that his BBS caters to a variety of clienteles.
While he cleverly mixes incest with other paraphilias in any number of combinations, as noted above, he carefully avoids explicit overlap between
pedophilia and the other paraphilias.[125] There is substantial evidence, based upon a contingency table
analysis of category overlap, to suggest that Thomas caters to at least three separate classes of clientele: paraphilic, pedophilic, and hard-core.
For instance, when posting a bestiality image, Thomas takes special care not to describe the female in pedophilic terms (for example, "teen,"
"young," "virgin," "budding," "no tits," "no pussy hair"). He is keenly aware that customers who seek bestiality (and more generally, paraphilic)
images do not seek pedophilic images, and the converse.[126]
The number of subscribers to the Amateur Action BBS has varied significantly during the past year. In May 1994, when the first dataset was
collected, Thomas had 3621 active subscribers. As of May 15, 1995, he had 10,687 subscribers[127] and had logged
more than 1.16 million calls. 98.9% of the subscribers are male, and 1.1% are female. Many of these subscribers are system operators of other
"adult" BBS, who download the images for redistribution to their own customers in various regions of the U.S.[128]
Although no definitive numbers are available, there is at least some evidence to suggest that Thomas's BBS is designed to be an advertising lure for
his lucrative video business featuring nude children and paraphilic activities. The strong appeal of his BBS to tens of thousands of online
consumers and Usenet aficionados around the world highlights the importance of computers as a medium of choice for the distribution and marketing
of pedophilic and paraphilic imagery.[129]
Because of this ability to play to consumer desires through the interplay of images and descriptions, the title of this study is "Marketing
Pornography on the Information Superhighway." The description, "She hangs from the ceiling as weights are suspended from her pussy lips and
nipples" may describe an inherently painful act; however, it is not marketed primarily as a painful act, but as one of restraint. There are many
other B&D/S&M images that observers might categorize as painful, based upon their own impressions, but they are not marketed as such and
thus not classified in this study as such. When the pornographers want to market an image as painful, when they want to emphasize its torturous
aspects, they do so by using words such as pain, torture, abuse, torment, hurt, and suffer. When one actually views many of these images, moreover,
there may be some ambiguity as to whether the model is actually in pain or merely acting.
Ten years ago, college students could not type a few commands from their dormitory computers and receive instant access, via the Usenet, to
thousands of bestiality images and stories. Until the recent explosion of World Wide Web sites, which enable users to view images with the click
of a button, college students were among the first computer afficionados to have access to image decoders, powerful UNIX-based software and
machines, and most advantageously, free and unlimited advice concerning the technical problems associated with downloading, cutting, and pasting
these images. As mentioned in the introduction, the pervasiveness of digital pornography may have a profound effect on primary and secondary
schools interested in offering their students access to computer networks. Yet, attempts at regulation may be ineffective; "the net interprets
censorship as damage and routes around it" is a well known expression among Usenet enthusiasts. The current structure of the Usenet requires that
individual sites choose between an "All things not expressly permitted are prohibited policy," or conversely, "All things not expressly prohibited
are permitted."[134] A middle ground does not appear viable.
The collapse in the past few years of several of the largest and most active boards in the country, such as the Windy City Freedom Fortress
BBS (hebephilic, all paraphilias), The Atlantis BBS (bestiality), and Taste BBS (fisting), appears to have had no measurable effect on current
market conditions. The images from Windy City and other defunct BBS are widely distributed via CD-ROM and the Usenet. Thus, it appears unlikely
that the conviction of the Amateur Action BBS operator will do more than temporarily encourage other BBS operators to remove their paraphilic and
pedophilic repertoires from public display.[138]
Yet there is one notable difference between the manner in which pornographers capitalized upon emerging technologies to make a profit in the past,
such as the printing press or the VCR, and the Information Superhighway of the 1990s. Pornographers are using the Usenet primarily as a vehicle
to advertise their products to a large audience at no cost. Indeed, the concept of hard-core and paraphilic pornography which is widely distributed,
yet "free" to the general public, is a novel one. Pornographers are keenly aware that their products remain "free" only to the extent that consumers
opt not to subscribe to their BBS. A number of "adult" BBS have reported that their subscriptions "skyrocketed" after posting a few images on the Usenet.
In fact, the Usenet is ideally suited for market niching. A soft-core BBS may choose to advertise on, erotica.female,, or occasionally, A hard-core BBS might advertise its images on A B&D/S&M BBS may advertise on or
A BBS specializing in any of the paraphilias may advertise on,,,
or A gay BBS may advertise on An Asian-focused BBS may advertise
Many network analysts expect, however, that the Usenet may collapse under its own weight. As more Americans utilize the Internet and Usenet,
the proportion of new messages posted each day may be too large for individual sites to carry, or subscribers to read. The trend appears to be
moving toward moderated newsgroups, which would exclude most of the alt hierarchy, including the sexually explicit newsgroups. However,
mainstream pornography distributors, such as VCA Platinum Pictures, Vivid Video, the Odyssey group, and Leisure Time Entertainment, have begun to
promote their products on the World Wide Web.[141] Subscribers are offered "tantalizing QuickTime movie previews
of the hottest new releases" and can "browse through our adult video show rooms which feature everything from sizzling new XXX-rated titles, to
exotic European releases, to sexy amateur home videos."[142] The companies boast that "shopping for adult videos
and novelties has never been easier, more fun, more convenient or more private! And we have an electronic ordering system that makes shopping for
adult products as simple, convenient and easy as clicking a button from the privacy of your own computer screen!"[143]
The compilation of these statistics also raises significant privacy issues, which are not limited to pornography. Computer users normally
maintain a logfile in their home directory (entitled .newsrc) that keeps track of the Usenet boards they read and their latest access
of each board. At the university studied, these logfiles were publicly available to any authorized user of the campus
network.[145] It is possible that any user could obtain another user's logfile and use this information to
harass, embarrass, or blackmail unsuspecting users. For instance, if a female student subscribes to talk.abortion and, a user could examine her logfile and infer that this student might
be pregnant or have a close friend who is pregnant. Those who subscribe to might not want their employers to know they
are looking for another job. With respect to pornography, many users might be embarrassed if their subscriptions to
or were a matter of public knowledge. Even if other users are blocked from accessing the logfiles of their
peers, it is still potentially significant that network administrators have access to these logfiles.[146] Most users appear not to know that these logfiles exist, and were they informed
of their existence, might find such monitoring of their accounts objectionable. Unscrupulous network administrators are in a position to compile
and sell detailed online information about each of their users to third party vendors.
Law enforcement efforts have done little to discourage consumers or indeed the market leader, Robert Thomas from discussing, trading, and
redistributing these images on other computer bulletin boards around the world. As of this writing, Thomas sits in jail and has complained of
cockroaches, bad food, filth, and violent prisoners.[147] His wife continues to run Amateur Action BBS, and when
she reports to jail, Thomas has indicated that "friends" will run his BBS. His subscriber list still contains citizens from Memphis, Tennessee,
where he had been convicted of obscenity charges, and Salt Lake City, Utah, where he faces a federal indictment for distribution of child pornography.
Since his trial in July 1994, his subscriptions have increased threefold, to 10,687. His downloads have more than doubled, from 1.6 million to more
than 3.7 million. And millions more have likely been downloaded by Usenet aficionados and subscribers to dozens of other commercial "adult"
BBS, which have pirated or licensed Amateur Action BBS images.
Thomas is a brilliant marketer, presenting himself as a modern day Marquis de Sade. It is not without irony that he promotes Amateur Action BBS
as "the nastiest place on earth." Indeed, the parallels between the lives and "art" of Thomas and Sade would provide fodder for a fascinating
study. Both pushed "taboos" and societal mores to the extreme; both flaunted the law and were jailed; both considered themselves renegade
artists; and both revolutionized the dissemination of paraphilic pornography Sade in print, Thomas on computer networks. As historian Lynn Hunt has noted:
The Marquis, it seems, has finally been topped.
As mentioned in the introduction to this article, the bulk of the data was collected in May and June 1994, unless otherwise noted. At that time, no
member of the research team had discovered any Web sites which contained sexually explicit imagery or materials. In March 1995, the research team
discovered 123. The results are discussed here.
Finally, the Web is browsed predominantly by males.[152]
Overseas: AUSTRIA: Vienna; AUSTRALIA: Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Lapalaba, Melbourne, Nerang, New South Wales (Cremorne, Lambton, Maitland,
Springwood, Sydney, Warilla, Wollsbrecraft), Perth, Sydney; BAHAMAS: Nassau; BELGIUM: Merelbeke; BERMUDA: Paget; BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro, Jaboatao
dos Guarrarap; CHILE: Santiago; CHINA: Urayasu; CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Prague; COLUMBIA: Tiburon; DENMARK: Copenhagen, Rhus; FRANCE: Paris, Nanterre,
Toulouse; GERMANY: Alstahaug, Berlin, Braunschweig, Cologne, Heidelberg, Holtzwickede, Karlsruhe, Kutzenhausen, Leipzig, Mannheim, Muenchen,
Neusaess, Pinneberg, Radeberg, Rheda-Wiedenbrueck, Schwalbach, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden; GREECE: Athens; HONG KONG; HUNGARY: Miskolc; IRELAND: Dublin;
ITALY: Coazze, Fosdinivo, Lucca, Milan, Rome, Trento, Turin; JAPAN: Tokyo, Yokohama; LUXEMBOURG; MALAYSIA: Kuala Lumpur; MEXICO: Goleta, Juarez;
NETHERLANDS: Adam, Beek, Boxtel, Berkelenschot, Eimar, Rotterdam, Utrecht; NEW ZEALAND: Auckland, Christchurch, New Plymouth, Wellington; NIGERIA:
Lagos; NORWAY: Oslo, Stavenger; PORTUGAL: Lisbon; SAUDIA ARABIA; SOUTH AFRICA: Johannesburg, Pretoria; SPAIN: Barcelona; SWEDEN: Gustavsberg,
Jonkoping, Stockholm; SWITZERLAND: Basel, Bern, Biberist, Geneva, Lucerne, Solothurn, Volketswil; TURKEY: Izmir Kyaka; UNITED KINGDOM: Aberdeen,
Abingdon,Basingstoke, Batley, Brighton, Caerphilly, Cardiff, Chatham, Cambridge, Ealing, Hereford, Leeds, Livermore, London, Macclesfield, Manchester,
Newbury, Northwich, Nottingham, Oxford, Plymouth, Scotland (Dumfernline, Ellon, Perthshire), Shropshire, Sos, Staines, Stratford, Surrey, Warwickshire,
Wilts; TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: Port of Spain.CANADA: ALBERTA: Calgary, Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Olds, Red Deer; BRITISH COLUMBIA: Burnaby, Coquitlam,
Delta, Kimberley, Port Alberni, Prince George, Richmond, Southern, Surrey, Vancouver, Victoria, West Vancouver, Williams Lake; MANITOBA:
Winnipeg; NEW BRUNSWICK: Moncton, Saint John; NOVA SCOTIA: Halifax; ONTARIO: Arnprior, Bowmanville, Brampton, Burlington, Cambridge, Cornwall,
Deep River, Dryden, Etobicoke, Fort Erie, Georgetown, Guelph, Hamilton, Kingston, Kitchener, Leamington, London, Markham, Mississauga, Nepean,
Niagara Falls, North Bay, Oakville, Ottawa, Prescott, Richmond Hill, Scarborough, Smiths Falls, Thornhill, Thunder Bay, Tiverton, Toronto;
QUEBEC: Ile-Perrot, Lavaltrie, Montreal, Pte Claire, St Hubert; SASKATCHEWAN: Estevan, Regina.USA: (Non-continental, Commonwealths, and
Territories): ALASKA: Anchorage, Ketchikan; HAWAII: Honolulu, Kailua, Kahului, Kapaau, Mililani, Wailuku; MARSHALL ISLANDS: Manchester; PUERTO
RICO: Catano, Hato Rey; VIRGIN ISLANDS: Christiansted.USA: (Continental): ALABAMA: Anniston, Birmingham, Brewton, Chase, Childersburg, Daphne,
Dolomite, Gadsden, Hancville, Hayden, Hazel Green, Hoover, Huntsville, Lineville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Ozark, Pelham, Pine Hill,
Prattville, Tuscaloosa, Weaver; ARKANSAS: Bauxite, Conway, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Greenbrier, Harrison, Huntsville, Jacksonville, Jonesboro,
Little Rock, Lowell, Newport, West Memphis; ARIZONA: Bullhead City, Chandler, Flagstaff, Glendale, Golden Valley, Lake Havasu, Mesa, Phoenix,
Scottsdale, Sierra Vista, Tempe, Tucson; CALIFORNIA: Adelanto, Agoura, Agoura Hills, Alameda, Alamo, Albion, Alhambra, Aliso Viejo, Alta Loma,
Alturas, Anaheim, Angels Camp, Antelope, Antioch, Apple Valley, Aptos, Arcadia, Arcata, Arleta, Atascadero, Auburn, Bakersfield, Baypoint,
Beale, Bellflower, Belmont, Benicia, Berkeley, Bermuda Dunes, Beverly Hills, Bonita, Boulder Creek, Brea, Brisbane, Burbank, Burlingame, Byron,
Calabasas, California City, Calistoga, Camarillo, Campbell, Canoga Park, Cardiff, Carlsbad, Carmichael, Carson, Castro Valley, Castrovly,
Cathedral City, Ceres, Cerritos, Chico, Chino, Chino Hills, Chula Vista, Citrus Heights, Claremont, Clayton, Clovis, Columbia, Colusa,
Concord, Corona, Corona Del Mar, Corte Madera, Costa Mesa, Covina, Culver City, Cupertino, Cypress, Daly City, Danville, Davis, Del Mar,
Discovery Bay, Downey, Dublin, Dunsmuir, Edwards, El Cajon, El Cerrito, El Granada, El Monte, El Segundo, Elk Grove, Encinitas, Encino,
Escondido, Fairfield, Fallbrook, Felton, Folsom, Fontana, Foster City, Fountain Valley, Fremont, Fresno, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Gardena,
Georgetown, Gilroy, Glendale, Glendora, Goleta, Grand Terrace, Grass Valley, Green Valley, Half Moon Bay, Hayward, Hercules, Hermosa Beach,
Highland, Hollister, Huntington Beach, Irvine, King City, Kings Beach, La Crescenta, La Honda, La Mesa, La Mirada, La Quinta, Laguna Beach,
Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Lake Forest, Lakeside, Lakewood, Lancaster, Larkspur, Livermore, Loma Linda, Lomita, Lompoc, Long Beach, Loomis,
Los Alamitos, Los Altos, Los Angeles, Los Gatos, Los Osos, Magalia, Manhattan Beach, Manteca, Marina Del Rey, Martinez, Menlo Park, Merced,
Midway City, Mill Valley, Millbrae, Milpitas, Mission Viejo, Modesto, Monrovia, Monterey, Monterey Park, Moorpark, Moraga, Moreno Valley,
Morgan Hill, Mountain View, Mt Hermon, N Palm Springs, Napa, National City, Newark, Newbury Park, Newhall, Newport Beach, Noballs, Norco,
North Highlands, North Hollywood, Northridge, Oakland, Oceanside, Ontario, Orange, Orangevale, Oxnard, Pacifica, Palmdale, Palm Desert, Palo
Alto, Palos Verdes, Paradise, Pasadena, Pebble Beach, Petaluma, Pico Rivera, Piedmont, Pine Grove, Pinole, Pinon Hills, Pittsburg,
Placentia, Placerville, Playa Del Rey, Pleasant Hill, Pleasanton, Pomona, Portola, Poway, Rancho Cordova, Rancho Cucamonga, Rancho Murietta,
Redding, Redlands, Redondo Beach, Redwood City, Reedley, Reseda, Rialto, Richmond, Ridgecrest, Riverside, Rocklin, Rohnert Park, Rosamond,
South Pasadena, Sacramento, Salinas, San Bernardino, San Bruno, San Clemente, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, San Juan Capistrano,
San Leandro, San Luis Obispo, San Marcos, San Marino, San Mateo, San Pablo, San Rafael, San Ramon, Santa Ana, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa
Cruz, Santa Fe Springs, Santa Maria, Santa Monica, Santa Rosa, Saratoga, Sausalito, Scotts Valley, Seacliff, Seal Beach, Sherman Oaks, Sierra
Madre, Simi Valley, So El Monte, Sonoma, Southern, Stanford, Stanton, Stockton, Strathmore, Studio City, Sun Valley, Sunnyvale, Susanville,
Sylmar, Taft, Tahoe Paradise, Tarzana, Thousand Oaks, Tiburon, Toluca Lake, Toronto, Torrance, Trab Cyn, Tracy, Trona, Turlock, Tustin, Union
City, Vacaville, Valencia, Vallejo, Van Nuys, Vandenberg Afb, Venice, Ventura, Visalia, West Hollywood, Walnut Creek, Watsonville, West Covina,
Westchester, Westminster, Westwood, Whittier, Woodland, Woodland Hills, Woodside, Yorba Linda, Yucca Valley; COLORADO: Arvada, Aurora,
Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Dillon, Doom, Englewood, Fort Collins, Lakewood, Littleton, Louisville, Loveland, Penrose, Pueblo,
Westminster; CONNETICUT: Ansonia, Bethel, Branford, Bridgeport, Collinsville, Coventry, Danbury, Darien, East Hartford, Ellington, Fairfield,
Farmington, Glastonbury, Greenwich, Groton, Guilford, Hamden, Hartford, Manchester, Middletown, Mystic, New Britain, New Fairfield, New Haven,
Newington, New London, North Haven, Norwalk, Norwich, Pawcatuck, Rockville, Shelton, Southington, South Windsor, Stamford, Sterling, Tolland,
West Hartford, West Haven, Willington, Woodbury; DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Washington; DELAWARE: Dover, Georgetown, Milton, New Castle, Newark,
Wilmington; FLORIDA: Altamonte Springs, Apopka, Atlantic Beach, Bartow, Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, Bradenton, Brandon, Cape Coral, Cooper
City, Coral Springs, Crystal River, Davie, Daytona Beach, Deerfield Beach, Delray Beach, Dunedin, Englewood, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers,
Fort Walton Beach, Gainesville, Hialeah, Hollywood, Homestead, Homosassa, Indialantic, Inverness, Islamorada, Jacksonville, Jensen Beach,
Juno Beach, Jupiter, Key Largo, Labell, Lake Worth, Lakeland, Lauderhill, Lynn Haven, Maitland, Marathon, Marco Island, Margate, Mayport,
Melbourne, Merritt Island, Miami, Miami Lakes, Miami Springs, Miramar, North Lauderdale, Naples, New Smyrna Beach, North Bay Village, North
Miami Beach, North Palm Beach, Ocala, Orange Park, Orlando, Palm Bay, Palm Beach, Panama City, Pembroke Pines, Pensacola, Plantation,
Poinciana, Port Orange, Quincy, Rockledge, San Antonio, Sanibel, Sarasota, Satellite Beach, Shalimar, St Petersburg, Sunrise, Tallahassee,
Tamarac, Tampa, Tarpon Springs, Tavernier, Valrico, Venice, Webster, West Palm Beach, Winter Haven, Winter Springs; GEORGIA: Acworth,
Adairsville, Albany, Alpharetta, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Austell, Avondale, Bainbridge, Baldwin, Barney, Bostwick, Bowden, Bowman, Bremen,
Brooks, Buckingham Palace, Buford, Calhoun, Canton, Carnesville, Carrollton, Cartersville, Chamblee, Clarkston, College Park, Columbus,
Conyers, Covington, Cumming, Dacula, Dahlonega, Dallas, Danielsville, Dawsonville, Decatur, Doraville, Douglasville, Duluth, Dunwoody,
Eastman, East Point, Ellenwood, Fairburn, Fayetteville, Flowerybranch, Forest Park, Fort Benning, Gainesville, Griffin, Hampton, Hinesville,
Hiram, Jerryville, Jonesboro, Kennesaw, Kingsland, Lagrange, Lawrenceville, Leesburg, Lilburn, Lindale, Lithia Springs, Lithonia, Loganville,
Louisville, Lovejoy, Lula, Mableton, Macon, Madison, Marietta, Martin, McDonough, Monroe, Monticello, Morrow, Mt. Berry, Newnan, Norcross,
Oakwood, Oxford, Peachtree City, Porterdale, Powder Springs, Resaca, Rex, Riverdale, Rockmart, Rome, Roswell, Savannah, Sharpsburg, Silver
Creek, Smyrna, Snellville, Social Circle, Stockbridge, Stone Mountain, Sugar Hill, Summerville, Suwanee, Sylvania, Temple, Thomson, Tucker,
Union City, Villa Rica, Waleska, Warner Robins, White, Winder, Winston, Woodstock; IDAHO: Boise, McCall, Meridian, Moscow, Mountain Home,
Pocatello, Post Falls, Rexburg, Rigby; ILLINOIS: Addison, Arlington Hts, Athens Hts, Aurora, Barrington, Batavia, Beach Park, Belleville,
Bellwood, Bloomington, Bolingbrook, Bourbonnais, Bradley, Byron, Carlock, Carpentersville, Champaign, Chicago, Crystal Lake, Danville, Darien,
De Kalb, Decatur, Des Plaines, Elgin, Elk Grove Village, Elmwood Park, Evanston, Frankfort, Galesburg, Genoa, Glen Ellyn, Glendale Heights,
Highland Park, Hinsdale, Hoffman Estates, Joliet, Lagrange Park, Lake Bluff, Lake In The Hills, Lake Zurich, Lemont, Lena, Libertyville, Lisle,
Lombard, Matteson, McHenry, Midlothian, Mount Carroll, Naperville, Northbrook, Orland Park, Palatine, Palos Heights, Park Forest, Park Ridge,
Pekin, Peoria, Petersburg, Pontiac, Quincy, Rockford, Schaumburg, Seneca, Shiloh, Skokie, South Elgin, St Charles, Steger, Tinley Park, Uffalo
Grove, Urbana, Waukegan, Wheaton, Wheeling, Winfield, Woodridge; INDIANA: Alexandria, Angola, Bedford, Bloomington, Bluffton, Carmel, Columbus,
Crawfordsville, Elkhart, Evansville, Fishers, Fort Wayne, Fredericksburg, Granger, Greenfield, Greenwood, Griffith, Guilford, Hammond, Highland,
Huntington, Indianapolis, Knightstown, Kokomo, Lafayette, Merrillville, Mishawaka, Mount Vernon, Muncie, North Webster, Ogden Dunes, Peru,
Richmond, South Bend, St John, Terre Haute, Vincennes, West Bloomington, Wabash, Warsaw, Zionsville; IOWA: Ankeny, Bellevue, Burlington,
Cedar Rapids, Creston, Davenport, De Soto, Des Moines, Grinnell, Indianola, Iowa City, Lisbon, Marion, Montezuma, Muscatine, Sergeant Bluff,
Sioux City, Waukee, Waukon;KANSAS: Derby, Emporia, Fairway, Fort Riley, Hutchinson, Independence, Kansas City, Lawrence, Liberal, Manhattan,
Mission, Mulberry, Olathe, Overland Park, Topeka, Wichita; KENTUCKY: Ashland, Auxier, Bellevue, Bowling Green, Buffalo, Covington, Fort
Campbell, Fort Mitchell, Hopkinsville, Lexington, Louisville, Morehead, Newport, Owensboro, Somerset, Winchester; LOUISIANA: Alexandria,
Baton Rouge, Belle Chasse, Bossier City, Covington, Fort Polk, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Leesville, Mandeville, Marrero, Metairie, Monroe,
New Iberia, New Orleans, Shreveport, Slidell, St Rose, Walker; MASSACHUSETTS: Amesbury, Amherst, Arlington, Attleboro, Belchertown, Billerica,
Boston, Bradford, Brookline, Burlington, Cambridge, Canton, Centerville, Concord, Dedham, Dunstable, East Brookfield, East Templeton,
Fairhaven, Fall River, Falmout, Fitchburg, Foxboro, Framingham, Franklin, Georgetown, Hamilton, Harvard, Haverhill, Holliston, Hopedale,
Hopkinton, Lawrence, Leicester, Leominster, Lexington, Longmeadow, Lowell, Lynn, Marlboro, Maynard, Middleboro, Milford, Needham, Newburyport,
Newton, Nuxbridge, Oxford, Peabody, Pembroke, Plainville, Quincy, Revere, Seekonk, Sharon, Shrewsbury, Shutesbury, South Lancaster, Springfield,
Stoughton, Tewksbury, Wakefield, Waltham, Watertown, Wayland, Westfield, Weymouth, Winchester, Worcester; MAINE: Brewer, Freeport, Georgetown,
Owls Head, Peru, Portland, Yarmouth; MARYLAND: Aberdeen, Adelphi, Annapolis, Arnold, Baltimore, Bel Air, Belcamp, Beltsville, Berlin, Bethesda,
California, Capitol Heights, Chevy Chase, Cockeysville, Columbia, Edgewater, Eldersburg, Ellicott City, Frederick, Gaithersburg, Georgetown,
Germantown, Glen Burnie, Great Mills, Hagerstown, Hampstead, Havre De Grace, Huntingtown, Lanham, Laplata, Laurel, Lexington Park, Northern,
Odenton, Olney, Pasadena, Queenstown, Rockville, Salisbury, Severna Park, Silver Spring, Upper Marlboro, Waldorf, Wheaton; MICHIGAN: Alpena,
Ann Arbor, Bay City, Berkley, Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Bridgman, Brighton, Byron, Canton, Caro, Charlevoix, Chassell, Clinton, Clio,
Davison, Dearborn, Detroit, East Lansing, Farmington Hills, Ferndale, Flat Rock, Flint, Fraser, Grand Blanc, Grand Rapids, Grayling, Harrison
Twp, Hartland, Hillsdale, Holland, Houghton, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Kincheloe, Kingston, Lake Orion, Lansing, Leonard, Lincoln Park, Livonia,
Marquette, Memphis, Midland, Milford, Mt Clemens, Muskegon, Newport, Northville, Oscoda, Pinckney, Pontiac, Redford, Rochester, Romeo, Royal
Oak, Saginaw, Sault Ste Marie, Southfield, St Johns, St Joseph, Sterling Heights, Stevensville, Sturgis, Suttons Bay, Taylor, Traverse City,
Troy, Utica, Vicksburg, Warren, Waterford, West Bloomfield, Westland, Ypsilanti; MINNESOTA: Anoka, Bloomington, Brooklyn Park, Cambridge,
Chatfield, Columbia Heights, Coon Rapids, Duluth, Eagan, Eden Prairie, Edina, Elbow Lake, Fergus Falls, Grand Meadow, Ironton, La Crescent,
Lanesboro, Mankato, Maple Grove, Maplewood, Minneapolis, Minnetonka, Mound, New Brighton, Oakdale, Pine River, Princeton, Rochester, Saint
Paul, Sauk Rapids, St Louis Park, Winona; MISSOURI: Ballwin, Blue Springs, Brookline, Cape Girardeau, Carthage, Columbia, Florissant, High
Ridge, Independence, Jefferson City, Kansas City, Kirkwood, Lees Summit, Libery, Nixa, Parkville, Rolla, Springfield, St Ann, St Charles, St
Louis, St Peters; MISSISSIPPI: Biloxi, Brandon, Clinton, Columbus, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Long Beach, Meridian, Pearl, Walls; MONTANA: Billings,
Bozeman, Butte, Great Falls, Helena; NORTH CAROLINA: Angier, Arden, Asheville, Asheboro, Belmont, Boonville, Carrboro, Cary, Chapel Hill,
Charlotte, Concord, Dallas, Durham, Farmville, Fayetteville, Flat Rock, Franklin, Gastonia, Greensboro, Hendersonville, Hickory, High Point,
Jacksonville, Kannapolis, Lenoir, Matthews, Mebane, Monroe, Moyock, Pittsboro, Raleigh, Rocky Mount, Shelby, Stokesdale, Tobaccoville, Trinity,
Wendell, Whiteville, Wilmington, Wilson, Winston-Salem; NORTH DAKOTA: Buchanan, Emerado, Fargo, Grand Forks, Williston; NEBRASKA: Bellevue,
Grand Island, Kearney, Lincoln, Norfolk, Omaha, Papillion; NEW HAMPSHIRE: Bedford, Concord, Derry, Dover, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Hudson,
Kingston, Lebanon, Lempster, Manchester, Milford, Nashua, New London, Penacook, Raymond, Rochester, Salem, Sandown, Wilton; NEW JERSEY:
Absecon, Andover, Atlantic City, Basking Ridge, Bayonne, Belleplain, Bergenfield, Berkeley Hts, Bridgewater, Browns Mills, Butler, Camden,
Clementon, Clifton, Cranbury, Dumont, Eastampton, East Rutherford, Eatontown, Edison, Elizabeth, Elmwood Park, Englewood, Fairfield,
Flemington, Forked River, Franklinville, Freehold, Hackensack, Haledon, Hawthorne, Hewitt, Highland Lakes, Hillsborough, Iselin, Jackson,
Jersey City, Keansburg, Kearny, Keyport, Lafayette, Lake Hiawatha, Livingston, Long Branch, Madison, Mahwah, Manalapan, Mantua, Maplewood,
Margate, Marmora, Mays Landing, Medford, Montclair, Morganville, Morris Plains, Morristown, Mt Laurel, Neptune, New Providence, Newark,
Newton, Normandy Beach, North Haledon, Nutley, Oak Ridge, Oakhurst, Oaklyn, Paramus, Parsippany, Paterson, Pennsauken, Pennsville, Perth
Amboy, Plainsboro, Pleasantville, Pompton Lakes, Princeton, Rahway, Ramsey, Randolph, Redbank, Ridgefield Park, Ringoes, Ringwood, Rockaway,
Roselle, Rumson, Saddle Brook, Sayreville, Secaucus, Somers Point, Somerville, Springfield, Summit, Swedesboro, Teaneck, Tinton Falls, Toms
River, Trenton, Union City, Warren, Wayne, West Caldwell, West Collingswood, Whippany, Williamstown; NEW MEXICO: Alamogordo, Albuquerque,
Clovis; NEVADA: Carson City, Lake Tahoe, Las Vegas, Reno; NEW YORK: Albany, Altamont, Amherst, Astoria, Baldwinsville, Bayside, Beacon,
Bethpage, Binghamton, Boston, Brockport, Bronxville, Brooklyn, Buffalo, Canandaigua, Cedarhurst, Cortlandt Manor, Crompond, Deferiet,
Dunkirk, East Islip, East Bethany, East Greenbush, Elma, Fishkill, Flushing, Freeport, Fresh Meadows, Fort Drum, Gasport, Glen Cove, Grand
Island, Great Neck, Groton, Hamburg, Hauppauge, Hempstead, Hillburn, Hudson Valley, Huntington, Ithaca, Jackson Heights, Jamestown, Kenmore,
Key Gardens, Lakewood, Lancaster, Levittown, Liverpool, Long Beach, Long Island City, Macedon, Maspeth, Massena, Melville, Middletown,
Millbrook, New York City, Niagara Falls, Orangeburg, Oswego, Osyter Bay, Ozone Park, Palmyra, Patterson, Pearl River, Peekskill, Port
Washington, Putnam, Ransomville, Rochester, Rockaway Park, Rome, Roslyn, Rotterdam Jct, Saugerties, Scarsdale, Schenectady, Setauket,
Smithtown, Spencerport, St James, Staten Island, Stone Ridge, Syosset, Syracuse, Ticonderoga, Tonawanda, Tuckahoe, Uniondale, Utica,
Wantagh, Wappingers Falls, West Hurley, White Plains, Wingdale, Woodbury, Woodside; OHIO: Akron, Athens, Batavia, Beavercreek, Bellbrook,
Berea, Bethel, Canton, Centerville, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Cortland, Cuyahoga Falls, Dayton, Delaware, Dublin, Fairfield,
Findlay, Franklin, Galion, Geneva, Glenmont, Grove City, Hamilton, Hilliard, Huber Hts, Hudson, Huron, Indian Springs, Lima, Macedonia,
Mansfield, Marysville, Maumee, Middleburg Hts, Milford, New Richmond, Newark, Newton Falls, Northeast, Novelty, Olmsted Falls, Oxford,
Parma, Piqua, Reynoldsburg, Richmond Hts, Riverside, Sandusky, Streetsboro, Sylvania, Tiffin, Tipp City, Toledo, Urbana, Wadsworth,
Washington Ch, Wauseon, West Milton, Westerville, Wooster, Worthington, Youngstown; OKLAHOMA: Ardmore, Broken Arrow, Del City, Duncan,
Durant, Edmond, Enid, Guymon, Lindsay, Midwest City, Moore, Norman, Oklahoma City, Owasso, Ramona, Stillwater, Tonkawa, Tulsa, Wheatland;
OREGON: Ashland, Beavercreek, Beaverton, Canyon City, Corvallis, Eugene, Gresham, Halsey, Harrisburg, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, Medford,
Milwaukie, Portland, Salem, Sandy, Tualatin, Warren; PENNSYLVANIA: Abington, Allentown, Ambler, Ardmore, Bala Cynwyd, Bensalem, Bethlehem,
Blairsville, Camp Hill, Carbondale, Catasauqua, Charleroi, Churchville, Coatesville, Dallas, Delco, East Stroudsburg, Elizabethtown, Ellwood
City, Erie, Exton, Folsom, Fort Washington, Frackville, Gibsonia, Gilberton, Girardville, Glenolden, Glenshaw, Grantham, Greencastle, Greens
burg, Harrisburg, Hellam, Highspire, Honey Brook, Horsham, Huntingdon Valley, Kennett Sq, King Of Prussia, Lancaster, Landisville, Lansdowne,
Levittown, Lewistown, Ligonier, Malvern, Manheim, Mercer, Mifflinburg, Monroeville, Mountville, New Castle, Newtown, North Wales, Oakdale,
Oakmont, Paradise, Perkasie, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Pottstown, Reading, Royersford, Sayre, Secane, Shillington, Souderton, Southampton,
Springfield, State College, Stockertown, Stroudsburg, Upper Darby, Warminster, Warren, Weatherly, West Chester, West Mifflin, Whitehall,
Wynnewood, Yardley, York, York Haven; RHODE ISLAND: Barrington, Chepachet, Cranston, Jamestown, Middletown, North Providence, Narragansett,
Pawtucket, Providence, Smithfield, West Warwick, Woonsocket; SOUTH CAROLINA: Beaufort, Cayce, Central, Charleston, Chas, Columbia, Cope,
Cowpens, Easley, Gaffney, Goose Creek, Greenville, Naugusta, Orangeburg, Piedmont, Ridgeland, Rock Hill, Simpsonville; SOUTH DAKOTA: Rapid
City, Roscoe, Sioux Falls, Watertown; TENNESSEE: Bristol, Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cleveland, Clinton, Dover, Hixson, Johnson City,
Knoxville, Lenoir City, Louisville, Maryville, Memphis, Nashville, Oak Ridge, Ooltewah, Portland, Riceville, Signal Mountain, Sparta,
White Pine; TEXAS: Abilene, Allen, Amarillo, Anson, Arlington, Austin, Bay City, Baytown, Beaumont, Bishop, Brownsville, Bryan, Burkeville,
Carrollton, Carthage, Coppell, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Denton, Duncanville, Edgewood, Edinburg, El Paso, Euless, Fort Worth, Freeport,
Galveston, Garland, Gatesville, Grand Prairie, Grapevine, Houston, Humble, Irving, Kermit, Killeen, Kingsbury, Kingsville, Laredo, League
City, Lewisville, Longview, Lubbock, Lufkin, McAllen, McKinney, Mesquite, Mineral Wells, Missouri City, Nacogdoches, Nederland, Pampa,
Parkview, Pearland, Plano, Port Neches, Portland, Richardson, Richwood, Rockport, Round Rock, San Angelo, San Antonio, Sealy, Southlake,
Spring, Stafford, Sterling City, Temple, Texarkana, Tyler, Uvalde, Vernon, Waco, Weatherford, Webster, Wichita Falls; UTAH: Bountiful,
Lake Point, Magna, Provo, Salt Lake City, Spanish Fork, Vernal, West Valley; VIRGINIA: Alexandria, Annandale, Arlington, Ashland,
Blacksburg, Buena Vista, Carrollton, Chantilly, Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Chesterfield, Fairfax, Falls Church, Fredericksburg, Front
Royal, Gainesville, Galax, Glen Allen, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Herndon, Jarratt, Lakeridge, Lorton, Lovettsville, Lynchburg, Manassas,
McLean, Newport News, Norfolk, Oaktonm, Portsmouth, Purcellville, Reston, Richmond, Roanoke, Ruckersville, Springfield, Sterling, Suffolk,
Vienna, Virginia Beach, Warrenton, Winchester, Woodbridge, Wytheville, Yorktown; VERMONT: Burlington, Eden Mills, Essex Center, Milton, South
Burlington, West Burke, West Fairlee, White River Jct, Williston, Wilmington; WASHINGTON: Bainbridge Is, Battle Ground, Bellevue, Bellingham,
Bothell, Bremerton, Camas, Cheney, Clarkston, Cle Elum, Edmonds, Everett, Federal Way, Fort Lewis, Gig Harbor, Graham, Kelso, Kennewick, Kent,
Kirkland, Lake Stevens, Lynnwood, Monroe, Mountlake Terrace, Mukilteo, North Bend, Oak Harbor, Olympia, Perth, Port Orchard, Pullman, Puyallup,
Redmond, Renton, Richland, Rochester, Seattle, Sequim, Silerdale, Silverdale, Snohomish, Spanaway, Spokane, Steilacoom, Tacoma, Tumwater,
Vancouver, Woodinville, Yakima; WISCONSON: Altoona, Appleton, Brookfield, Brown Deer, Eau Claire, Fond Du Lac, Friendship, Green Bay, Hales
Corners, Hudson, Kansasville, La Crosse, Madison, Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Oak Creek, Onalaska, Princeton, Racine, Ripon, Sheboygan, Stevens
Point, Two Rivers, Waukesha, Wausau, West Bend; WEST VIRGINIA: Bunker Hill, Charleston, Huntington, Morgantown, Thomas, Weirton; WYOMING:
Evanston, Gillette, Jac, Lander, Laramie.
F. A Brief Sketch of the "Information Superhighway"[25]
This section is provided as a brief overview for those who have little familiarity with the Usenet, Internet, and commercial "adult" BBS.
1. Overview of the Internet and Usenet
The Internet is an international computer network which links more than 40,000 independently managed computer networks together. Until recently, it was
primarily focused on connecting thousands of academic and government computer networks to a common system for exchange of data information. It is
increasingly being utilized by commercial enterprises, including pornographers.
2. Commercial Bulletin Board Systems (BBS)
The first BBS was established in 1978 following the advent of the Hayes modem and the FCC's Registration
decision,[26] which eliminated the need to rent from AT&T a costly Data Access Arrangement. A few years later, with
the introduction of the IBM PC and commercial BBS software, thousands of BBS (commercial and non-commercial) began springing up across the country.
3. Downloading and Viewing Images
Current technology allows millions of personal computer users to utilize a home computer, color video monitor, and modem to download and display
pornographic images easily. Most images are stored in common computer graphic formats, which can be easily opened and viewed on virtually any computer
sold today. The two most popular formats for representing images on a computer are the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) and Joint Photographic Experts
Group (JPEG) formats, indicated by the .gif or .jpg file extensions. These image files can be viewed on any computer with an
appropriate viewer.
II. Usenet
This article will first discuss the methodology and results of the study of Usenet images and will then explain the methodology and results of the study
of BBS images.[28]
A. Methodology
1. Pornographic vs. Non-pornographic Imagery
All of the Usenet newsgroups with the prefix alt.binaries were examined each day, for a period of seven days, beginning September 21, 1994 and
ending September 27, 1994. Only the pictures hierarchy was included, because sound files and other non-picture binaries are not the subject of this study.
The number of new images posted each day was tabulated for both pornographic and non-pornographic newsgroups. Because these numbers were tabulated based
on screen captures that indicate the date, name, size, and origin of the post, a random sampling of twenty images per day (ten suspected pornographic
and ten suspected non-pornographic) was downloaded to confirm the legitimacy and content of the images described.
2. Popularity of Pornographic vs. Non-Pornographic Usenet Newsgroups
Statistics were available via anonymous ftp[29] ( and from the Usenet (news.lists) that estimate the
number of readers worldwide of the most popular Usenet newsgroups. The research team was also able to examine the online habits of 4227 users at a
mid-sized, private university in the northeast.[30] These statistics indicate the number of individual users at the
university who accessed pornographic and/or non-pornographic Usenet newsgroups once a month or more.
3. Origins of Usenet Pornographic Imagery
After examining the prevalence and popularity of pornographic imagery on the Usenet, the research team was interested in determining the origins of
such imagery.[31] The largest selection of sexual imagery was discovered on the following five Usenet
Between April and July of 1994, the research team downloaded all available images (3254) from these five newsgroups. The team encountered technical
difficulties with 13% of these images, which were incorrectly encoded or incorrectly uploaded by the poster.[33] This
left a total of 2830 images for analysis. The images were then decoded from the format used for transmission into image files.
B. Results
1. Intensity of Activity With Respect to Pornographic Imagery
The results suggest that Usenet pornography should be studied according to intensity of activity, not according to quantity of newsgroups, which is
relatively small.[35] Seventeen of the thirty-two alt.binaries newsgroups located on the Usenet contained
pornographic imagery. Among the non-pornographic newsgroups, 827 image posts were counted during the seven day period. Among the pornographic
newsgroups, 4206 image posts were counted, or 83.5% of the total posts.
However, as this study makes clear, studying pornography according to consumption,
as opposed to availability, provides a much more revealing picture of the marketplace.
studying the Usenet in combination with commercial "adult" BBS is highly informative of the broader picture and provides an excellent means of
following the potential growth of pornography on computer networks.
2. Popularity of Pornographic vs. Non-pornographic Newsgroups
Two sets of results will be presented here: the worldwide statistics and those at the university studied.
It is likely that users have been discouraged by the burdensome encoding and decoding tools
necessary to transmit imagery over the e-mail network. As new tools become more refined and easier to use, binaries may overtake stories as the top
pornographic choice.
Of the forty most popular newsgroups worldwide, only one
contained encoded pornographic images. Three others of the top forty contained sexually explicit stories and discussion. The top forty worldwide
newsgroups are summarized in Table 2.
However, when the data is classified by percent of news
readers who subscribe to the newsgroups, three of the five most popular newsgroups are pornographic.[42] Moreover, 20,644 of the 101,211 monthly Usenet posts in the top forty newsgroups, or 20.4%,
are pornographic.
3. Origins of Pornographic Imagery on the Usenet
Having examined the popularity of pornographic imagery on the Usenet, the origins of such imagery are now considered. 71%, or 1671 of the
2354 pornographic images downloaded from the five Usenet newsgroups studied over a four month period, originated from "adult" BBS. For those who
consider pornography to include the additional 476 "PG" or "R" rated images[43] defined in the methodology section,
59% of all Usenet images originate from "adult" BBS.
III. Pornographic "Adult" Commercial BBS
This portion of the study analyzes a total of 450,620 files that are classified into four major categories: (1) paraphilia, (2)
pedo/hebephilia, (3) hard-core (non-paraphilic), and (4) soft-core. The findings with respect to the images in each
category will be presented in the next subsection. This subsection describes in detail the methodology that the research team used to select and
define the four descriptive categories.
A. Methodology
1. Locating and Selecting "Adult" BBS
The research team took a number of steps in compiling and analyzing the vast amount of data available from adult BBS. First, the team located BBS
that offered "adult" material. Then the team either subscribed to, or logged on as a new user or guest, to a number of representative pornographic
BBS and collected descriptive lists of the files offered by each. Altogether, these lists contained descriptions of the more than 900,000
encoded pornographic images, short films, and text files available through the various BBS contacted. Consequently, in order to analyze this
immense data set, the research team constructed a linguistic classification system to sort and analyze the lists. Each of these steps is described
in more detail below.
2. Developing the Linguistic Classification Scheme for Analyzing Consumption of Pornographic Images
Pornographic "adult" BBS catalogue their images in lists of files that describe each of the available images. In order to select images that appeal to
them, customers either browse through the descriptions of pornographic images online, or they download an "allfiles" listing of these descriptions,
which they can then peruse offline with standard word processing software. Customers usually prefer the second approach, because it permits them to
browse leisurely without paying long distance telephone or connect time charges. The listing for a pornographic image is typically structured as
shown in Figure 3.[51]
For instance, the list of one file from Amateur Action BBS reads as follows:[55]
AA-2438 92K Cody is having an ORGASM! Fingers hole!
In these instances, members of the research team either screen captured the "allfiles" list in double line format, or persuaded the sysop to provide
the list privately. In order to study the vast listings of images obtained, the research team decided to construct a classification scheme that would
sort the pornographic images by the different types of behavior they depicted. This proved to be no small task, given that it was impossible to sort
the enormous volume of records manually. Because the descriptive listing for each pornographic image contained terms that could be mapped to
specific categories defining different depictions or interests in pornography, the research team created a computerized dictionary of these terms
that sorted the image descriptions into categories. Developing the dictionary required five steps. First, a classification scheme that paired terms
and categories was established. Second, because of the nature of the English language, certain categories were given precedence over others. Third,
certain categories were permitted to overlap with others. Fourth, images which the dictionary could not classify (e.g., none of the words used to
describe the image were contained in the dictionary) were identified. Fifth, an exceptions category was created to deal with further quirks in
the descriptions. Each of these steps is described in turn below.
3. Reliability and Validity of the Category Dictionary[65]
Figure 5. [Validation and Reliability Procedure.]
The reliability for categorizing hard-core (96.5%) and soft-core (95.5%) imagery rose considerably using this
methodology.[70] Thus, analyzing the data in these four classes presents a highly reliable means of exploring the
explosive growth of pornography on the Information Superhighway.[71] Figure 6 presents a flow chart of the final
precedence scheme utilized in this study.
, one may reasonably extrapolate that the images also
correspond to the classifications discussed here to the extent that they were found reliable.
B. Results
Using the classification scheme described above to analyze the thirty-five "adult" BBS lists for which complete download information was available,
the research team found that:
1. Findings of "Adult" BBS Generally
First, the availability of and demand for the various classes of pornographic images will be discussed. Table 5 and Figure 7 show the total
number and proportion of files and downloads for each of the four major classifications.
Compared to other forms (print, video) of pornography, the market for computer pornography is driven by a strong demand for pedo/hebephilic and
paraphilic imagery. These types of pornography, which are frequently unavailable or difficult to purchase through traditional outlets, are
increasingly available and sought after via computer. Further, when subsets of the four classifications are examined, it is clear that material
many people historically associate with the term "pornography," including depictions of vaginal intercourse, comprises only a small portion of the
images available.
2. Top Five Commercial "Adult" BBS
In order to illustrate more clearly the major trends in the "adult" BBS pornography market, the research team isolated data on the top five market
leaders in the industry. The "adult" BBS industry is unevenly distributed among BBS, with five of the thirty-five boards accounting for 81.3% of
all downloads.[83] This data, combined with the demographics reported below, indicates that despite the cost of toll
calls, leading "adult" BBS serve a national, as opposed to local, market.
3. Market Forces Common to All Commercial "Adult" BBS
Before the data was analyzed according to the four major classifications, there appeared to be little correlation between the number of files
offered by an "adult" BBS and the number of downloads generated. Figure 9 makes clear that the five boards which accounted for the greatest number
of downloads were ranked 3, 8, 12, 25, and 9, respectively, out of the thirty-five boards surveyed, according to number of files offered. For
instance, the Windy City Freedom Fortress BBS generated more than one million downloads with only 12,000 files, whereas many "adult" BBS with
image portfolios exceeding 50,000 files have generated fewer than 20,000 downloads. Many of these newer "adult" BBS are those which have obtained
a large percentage of their portfolios from CD-ROM.
which revealed that the largest "adult" BBS are not disproportionate to their
competitors, but simply reflect the diversity in size that one expects among similar companies in a free market. The results suggest that the
Amateur Action BBS, far from being an anomaly, is merely the most graphic instance of market forces common to all "adult"
4. "Adult" BBS Demographics
The research team obtained demographics from several leading "adult" BBS which indicate the age, sex, and city of origin of subscribers. These
demographics were based on verified credit card information and were obtained either directly from the logfiles of "adult" BBS or various
methodologies developed by the research team programmers.[88] Because such demographics are exceedingly
difficult to obtain, the research team devoted the bulk of its resources to obtaining demographics from the market leaders who provide
pedophilic and paraphilic imagery. Many of these subscribers were found to be system operators of other "adult" BBS, who download the images
for redistribution to their own customers in various regions of the world. None of the system operators with whom the research team conversed
by phone or "chatted" online indicated they advertise overseas. Given that 71% of the pornography on the Usenet was found to originate from
these "adult" BBS, it appears that the vast majority of foreign consumers learn of these American "adult" BBS by downloading images from the Usenet.
5. "Adult" BBS Market Leader: Amateur Action BBS--A Case Study
The Amateur Action BBS provides an ideal case study, not only because it is a market leader among "adult" BBS, but also because its owners,
Robert and Carleen Thomas, were recently convicted of ten counts of using a facility of interstate commerce (a computer) to distribute obscene
materials.[89] Legal experts expect this case or a similar one to make its way to the United States Supreme
Court.[90] The Thomas case highlights an important aspect of the current constitutional test for obscenity.
As noted earlier, in Miller v. California, the Supreme Court held that whether pornography is "obscene," and therefore unprotected
by the Constitution, is partly a question of whether it offends contemporary "community standards."[91] The Supreme
Court reasoned that such a standard, although vague, permits communities that desire to maintain certain standards to insulate themselves from
pornography that might be considered permissible in other areas with different community standards.[92] When
pornography is purchased in a book store or received through the mail, the material is assessed according to the standards of the community
where the pornography was purchased or received.
IV. Conclusion
A. Images? or only Descriptions?
This is as much a study of words as of images, of words that describe images, of words that are as revealing in their accuracy as in their
failures to describe an image accurately. Consider the description, "She has one fist in her girlfriend's asshole and another fist in her pussy."
Examination of the image revealed that only two fingers were in the anus; the research team interjudge reliability test did not classify this as
anal fisting. However, the customer who has a fetish for anal fisting of women and who downloads an image whose description is the one described
may not be upset to discover that only two fingers, and not the entire hand, are inserted in the anus. In fact, it may serve as the starting
point of another fantasy; the divergence between word and image suggests a certain flux, such that two fingers are in the anus now, and the entire
fist will be in the anus later. The dichotomy between now and later is an extremely clever way for the pornographer to make a still image assume
a certain kind of motion. In the viewer's mind, it may even become a movie. What he actually sees, and what the words promised he would see,
must converge in his mind; they must synthesize into a new form of imagery.
B. Phenomenology of a Porngeist[130]
In the past, wherever one lived, it was extremely difficult, if not impossible, to obtain coprophilia or bestiality images, even through
underground channels. Computers and modems are profoundly redefining the pornographic landscape by saturating the market with an endless variety
of what only a decade ago mainstream America defined as "perverse" or "deviant."[131] What is perhaps even more
peculiar, the very same bestiality and coprophilia images are selling briskly across the United States. Yet the mainstream is loath to embrace
the frequently downloaded images as best-sellers. One animation, entitled "birra," depicted a woman urinating into the mouth of another. Made in Italy,[132] it was discovered on seventeen "adult" BBS in the United States and downloaded more than 500 times. There are many
other notorious and extremely lurid images, such as HBO6.GIF, a crystal clear Harper's Bizarre Series image of a woman defecating into a man's
mouth.[133] It was posted twenty-three times on the Usenet over a six month period. Indeed, when an
enterprising upstart company advertised on the Usenet to imprint color images onto T-shirts, a half-serious poster from Harvard quipped,
"HBO6.GIF anyone?" No description was necessary; it was a comment addressed only to those "in the loop" about computer porn, for whom the lurid
image even the title had achieved some degree of cultural significance.
C. Digital Cultural Artifacts
The descriptions lists and their corresponding images offer a rich field of study in psychology, sexuality, and culture. Indeed, the capturing of
these lists alone represents a significant resource,[135] for they are fascinating cultural artifacts. In ten or
twenty years, researchers will be able to use these descriptives to compare changes in sexual tastes and pornographic repertoires. Yet this
remarkable compendium of information will likely disappear in the next few years, as other technologies such as thumbnail
images,[136] CD-ROM, and interactive multimedia replace the current short verbal descriptions. Consumers can
purchase about 4000 paraphilic or hard-core images on CD-ROM, often for less than $15. Once pornography consumers buy these CD-ROMs, researchers
will have no way of determining which types of images they prefer. No doubt there will be "all oral" or "all anal" CD-ROMs, but due to legal
concerns among pornographers, it is doubtful that an "all bestiality" or "all coprophilia" CD-ROM could be successfully marketed on a national
scale. Moreover, lawmakers are grappling with the enormously complex issues which surround digitized porn, and they may decide to regulate tightly
portions of the Usenet, World Wide Web, and "adult" BBS.[137]
D. "Free" Pornography
Pornographers often recognize before anyone else those applications of a new technology which will make a fast, almost guaranteed profit. After
Gutenberg used his printing press to print the first Bible, pornographers were quick to use the new medium to more prurient
ends.[139] More recently, they contributed considerably to making VCRs a lucrative and mainstream
technology.[140] Pornography has served as a powerful incentive to tens of thousands of Usenet aficionados,
already computer literate, to learn enough UNIX to encode, decode, and reconstruct files from the Usenet newsgroups.
E. Privacy, Pornography and Computers
Sophisticated sysops can collect, catalog, and utilize highly personal information acquired when subscribers access pornographic imagery. Consumers
may find this an uncomfortable prospect. As author Anne Branscomb has noted:
A great deal of information we consider to be highly personal, and of interest to ourselves and the town gossip our names, telephone numbers,
marital status, educational accomplishments, job and credit histories, even medical, dental, and psychiatric records is now being sold on the open
market to anyone who believes he or she might be able to use such information to turn a profit. These transactions usually take place without our
knowledge or consent.[144]
As noted in this study, computer pornography is still in its infancy, as sysops have failed to capitalize on the detailed information they now
possess about each consumer. However, in the coming years, pornography consumption may become an integral part of this information market.
F. The Marquis de Cyberspace
That many of the most popular images of computer pornographers in the United States pedo/hebephilia, bestiality, incest, urophilia, coprophilia,
enema, fisting, he-she male, and B&D/S&M are consumed by paying subscribers in at least 2000 cities around the world raises complex and
intriguing questions about "community standards" in Cyberspace. Because most of these "adult" BBS are not linked to any public computer network
or protocol, such as the Internet, Usenet, or World Wide Web, most customers must pay long distance toll charges, plus the regular subscription fee,
to access these images.
Virtually all of the themes of modern pornography were rehearsed by Sade; indeed, he specialized in the cataloging of pornographic effects. Rape,
incest, patricide, sacrilege, sodomy and tribalism, pedophilia and all the most horrible forms of torture and murder were associated with sexual
arousal in the writings of Sade. No one has ever been able to top Sade because he had, in effect, explored the ultimate logical possibility of
pornography: the very annihilation of the body, the very seat of pleasure in the name of desire.[148]
Men of considerable intelligence have paid homage to Sade, admiring his unrivaled, demented imagination. Yet for all of their efforts, Sade and
his disciples pushed pornography only as far as the printed word allowed. Two centuries of technological innovations the photograph, the digital
image, the scanner, computer bulletin boards, computer networks passed before Robert Thomas would present us with Amateur Action BBS, a hi-tech
rendition of The 120 Days of Sodom.
V. Summary of Significant Results of the Carnegie Mellon Study
The findings of this study include:
These and other findings may assist policymakers and others concerned with the future of Cyberspace to make informed decisions, with reliable data, about the evolving Information Superhighway.
Appendix A: Dietz-Sears, Carnegie Mellon Classifications
The Carnegie Mellon study adopts the following Dietz-Sears categories, which are identified as "paraphilia":
The Carnegie Mellon study collects the following Dietz-Sears categories into "b&d/s&m":
The Carnegie Mellon adopts the following Dietz-Sears categories, identified as "hard-core":
The Carnegie Mellon study adopts the following Dietz-Sears categories, identified as "soft-core":
The Carnegie Mellon study introduces eighteen new categories. On occasion, pornographers will market an image based upon attributes, such as
hair color, or emotions, such as pleasure or pain, rather than activities. The following are the new categories and their corresponding classifications:
Appendix B: Top Files of Amateur Action BBS
The following is a list of the most frequently downloaded files of the Amateur Action BBS for each of the classifications discussed in this study, as
of May 1994.[149] It reveals not only the popularity of particular imagery, but also the power of the linguistic
parsing software developed for this study. The words in boldface indicate how the computer dictionary parsed the descriptions to the proper category.
It is instructive to notice that this image was not parsed as pedo/hebephile. The words "tiny" and "hairless twat" were used in too many other
contexts; the word "pediatrician" was not discovered in the 40,000 image descriptions that were randomly analyzed for the dictionary. Normally,
when such exceptions are discovered, they are added to the appropriate category. The word "pediatrician" was intentionally left out to offer the
reader an appreciation of the enormous challenges inherent in developing a category dictionary.
Downloads: 368
filed under: AMAZING
Downloads: 232
filed under: ANAL
Downloads: 365
Downloads: 672
Downloads: 297
filed under: B&D/S&M
Downloads: 868
filed under: BREAST
Downloads: 201
filed under: CUMSHOTS
Downloads: 22
filed under: CUNNILINGUS
Downloads: 42
filed under: DOGSTYLE
Downloads: 68
filed under: FAT
Downloads: 234
filed under: FELLATIO
Downloads: 494
filed under: FISTING, LESBIAN
Downloads: 180
filed under: HOMOSEXUAL
Downloads: 178
filed under: SHAVED-PUBIC
Downloads: 309
Downloads: 365
Downloads: 163
filed under: INTER-RACIAL
Downloads: 354
Downloads: 141
filed under: ORGY, UROPHILIA
Downloads: 324
Downloads: 176
Downloads: 1687
filed under: PEDO/HEBEPHILE
Downloads: 138
filed under: PETTING
Downloads: 301
filed under: PORTRAITS
Downloads: 246
filed under: PREGNANT
Downloads: 150
filed under: PROMOTIONAL
Downloads: 69
filed under: SERIES
Downloads: 80
filed under: SHOWER, LESBIAN
Downloads: 59
filed under: SIXTY-NINE
Downloads: 266
filed under: FOREIGN OBJECTS
Downloads: 239
filed under: TRANSSEXUAL
Downloads: 233
filed under: VAGINAL
Downloads: 139
Downloads: 607
filed under: UROPHILIA
Downloads: 319
Appendix C: World Wide Web
I. Overview
The Web is a graphical, hyperlink-based environment used to navigate and find information resources on the Internet. The Web has exploded from only
130 sites in June 1993 to 11,576 sites as of December 1994,[150] and, along with the Internet, it continues to
expand rapidly.[151] The growing popularity of the Web is due to its ease of use and use of hyperlinks. Hyperlinks
provide the Web user with a means of jumping from one Web site to another with merely the click of a mouse button. As a result, information can be
accessed very quickly and easily.
II. Methodology
A. How Web Sites Were Located
Web sites were found by using various search engines, examining lists of sex-related resources on the Web itself, and by advertisements on Usenet
newsgroups. This appendix is strictly limited to Web media many Web pointers point to FTP sites, gopher sites, IRC groups, and Usenet newsgroups, but
these were not included here. This study is also limited to Web sites that are in English.
B. How Examined Once Located
Once all of the Web sites were collected and examined, redundancies within the results were checked for. Two sites are defined as being redundant if
they are (a) on the same server, and (b) created by the same person, group of people, or organization/business. A sex-related Web site is defined
as a site that fits into one of the following categories:
Since very few Web sites concentrate on just one of the above categories, and the categorization scheme itself is not rigid, sites can be classified
under one or more of the categories.
C. Difficulties with Methodology
Web sites change very rapidly. What exists one hour cannot be assumed to exist the next. This made exhaustive research of Web sites very
difficult. Sites were oftentimes temporarily down or under construction. Some sites have been censored because of their contents by either the
server's administrators or even the site's creator (for fear of possible legal actions against them). Many Web sites had to be censored on the
basis of the traffic that they created. A very common scenario is the following: (1) someone creates a Web site that contains erotic
material; (2) the address of this site is discovered and placed on one or more lists of sex-related resources; (3) a flood of Web users accesses the
site; (4) the server containing the site becomes overworked, and its logs record where the increased activity is occurring; (5) the site is shut
down by the server's administrator.
III. Results
IV. Conclusion/Comments
The primary usage of sexually-oriented Web sites appears to be advertising for sex-related businesses. As billing services become more commonplace,
these Web sites may be utilized to generate revenue. At the same time, policymakers may wish to consider that Web sites which contain or discuss
sexually explicit materials are used extensively for educational purposes, and for the dissemination of information among gay, lesbian, and
bisexual organizations. These more obviously legitimate applications pose complex questions regarding content flags and regulation of
sexually-oriented materials on the Web.
Appendix D:
List of 2000 Cities Around the World Where Consumers of Pedophilic and Paraphilic Imagery Were Identified for Carnegie Mellon Study
Many of the most popular images of computer pornographers in the United States pedo/hebephilia, bestiality, incest, urophilia, coprophilia, enema,
fisting, he-she male, and B&D/S&M are consumed by paying subscribers in the cities and countries listed below raises complex and intriguing
questions about "community standards" in cyberspace. Because most of these "adult" BBS are not linked to any public computer network or protocol,
such as the Internet, Usenet, or World Wide Web, most customers must pay long distance toll charges, plus the regular subscription fee, to access these
images. Moreover, given that 71% of the pornography on the Usenet was found to originate from these "adult" BBS, it appears that the vast majority of
foreign consumers learn of these American "adult" BBS by downloading images from the Usenet.