He Says / She Says
Linked commentaries on the Rimm study and Time "Cyberporn" article


Welcome to He Says / She Says, a cross-referenced link-farm to some of the critiques of the Rimm study of pornography on the net, and the Time article it prompted. In all the included documents, I left the text unmodified but added links and anchors to relevant parts of other documents.

To get up to speed on the issue, I'd recomend starting here. This will also give you a much larger list of critiques, as I only cross-referenced a few documents that quoted other authors extensively.

Colored dots indicate links leading to relevant sections of each of the following documents:

@ The Rimm Study. The original Rimm study can be found here.

# Hoffman and Novak's critique of the Rimm study. The original can be found here.

$ The Time cover story "Cyberporn" from the July 3, 1995 issue. The original can be found here.

% Hoffman & Novak's criticism of the Time "Cyberporn" article. The original is available here.

& Rimm's original response to Hoffman & Novak's criticism of the Time article. This response was downloaded and archived by Hoffman & Novak July 5th, 1pm CST. The original is available here. Rimm's updated version is available here.

+ Hoffman & Novak's response to Rimm's response to their critique of the Time article. The original can be found here.

= Mike Godwin's critique. The original can be found here.

* Philip Elmer-DeWitt's interview with HotWired. The original is available here.

Bugs/comments: rhodes@media.mit.edu

Last modified: Sun Jul 16 22:38:25 EDT 1995